Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 7 Administering the Switch
Controlling Switch Access with RADIUS

Configuring RADIUS

This se ctio n de scri bes how to c onfigure yo ur sw itch to su ppo rt R ADI US. At a mi nim um, y ou mus t
identify the host or hosts that run the RADIUS server software and define the method lists for RADIUS
authentication. You can optionally define method lists for RADIUS authorization and accounting.
A metho d list defines th e seque nce and me thods to be used to auth entic ate, to authori ze, or to keep
accounts on a user. You can use method lists to designate one or more security protocols to be used (such
as TACACS+ or local username lookup), thus ensuring a backup system if the initial method fails. The
software uses the first method listed to authenticate, to authorize, or to keep accounts on users; if that
method does not respond, the software selects the next method in the list. This process continues until
there is successful communication with a listed method or the method list is exhausted.
You should hav e access to and should configure a RADIUS server before configuring RADIUS features
on your switch.
This se ctio n c onta ins thi s configu ratio n inf or mat ion:
Default RAD IUS Configurat ion, pa ge 7-20
Identif yi ng t he RA DIU S Ser ver Host , pa ge 7-2 0 (required)
Configuring RAD IUS Lo gin A u then tic atio n, page 7 -23 (re quire d)
Defining AAA Server Group s, page 7-25 (opti onal)
Configuring RA DIUS Author iza tion f or Use r Privileged Acc ess and Networ k Ser vice s, pa ge 7-2 7
Startin g R ADI US A ccou nti ng, pa ge 7-2 8 ( optional)
Configuring Se ttin gs for A ll RA DIUS Server s, page 7-29 (opt ional)
Configuring t he Sw itch to U se Ve nd or-Specific RADI US Attr ibutes, page 7 -29 (opt iona l)
Configuring the Switch for Vendor-Proprietary RADIUS Server Communication, page 7-30

Default RADIUS Configuration

RADIUS and AAA are disabled by default.
To prevent a la pse i n secu rit y, you ca nn ot c on figure R ADI US thro ugh a n etwor k mana geme nt
application. When enabled, RADIUS can authenticate users accessing the switch through the CLI.

Identifying the RADIUS Server Host

Switch-to-RADIUS-server communication involves several components:
Host nam e or IP addr ess
Authentication destination port
Account ing destin ation port
Key string
Timeout period
Retransmission value