Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Appendix B Working with the IOS File S ys tem, Configurat ion Files, and Soft w are Images Working with Configuration Files

Preparing to Download or Upload a Configuration File By Using RCP

Before yo u begin downloading or uplo ading a co nfiguration file by using RCP, do these task s:
Ensure that the wor kstat ion acting as th e RCP ser ver suppo rts th e remo te sh ell (rs h).
Ensure that the switch has a route to the RCP server. The switch and the server must be in the same
subnetwork if you do not have a router to route traffic between subnets. Check connectivity to the
RCP s er ver by u s in g th e ping command.
If you are acc essin g the sw itch throu gh t he co nsole or a Telnet session and you do not have a valid
usernam e, m ake sur e t hat the cur rent R CP u ser name is the one that you want to use f or the R CP
download. You can enter the show users privileged EXEC command to view the v alid username. If
you d o n ot want to us e thi s us er name , cr eat e a new RCP us er na me by using the ip rcmd
remote-username username global configur atio n com ma nd to be use d dur ing al l co py oper ati on s.
The new username is stored in NVRAM. If you are accessing the switch through a Telnet session
and you have a valid username, this username is used, and you do not need to set the RCP username.
Includ e t he use rn am e i n th e copy comm and if you want to specify a user name for only that copy
operati on.
When you upload a file to the RCP server, it must be properly configured to accept the RCP write
request from the user on the switch. For UNIX systems, you must add an entry to the .rhosts file for
the remot e user on the RCP server. For example, suppos e that the switch contai ns these
configuration lines:
hostname Switch1
ip rcmd remote-username User0
If the switch IP address translates to Switch1.company.com, the .rhosts file for User0 on the RCP
server shou ld cont ai n th is l ine :
Switch1.company.com Switch1
For more inform ation , refer to the docum entat ion for your RCP server.

Downloading a Configuration File By Using RCP

Beginning in privileged EXEC mode, follow these steps to download a configuration file by using RCP:
Command Purpose
Step 1 Verify that the RCP server is properly configured by
referri n g to th e Preparing to Download or Upload a
Configuration File By Using RCP sectio n on page B-17.
Step 2 Log into the switch through the console port or a Telnet
Step 3 configure terminal Enter glob al configura tion mod e.
This step is required only if you override the default remote
username (se e Steps 4 and 5).
Step 4 ip rc m d rem ot e - us e rn am e username (Optional) Specify the remote username.