Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
troubleshooting 28-12
LRE li nk
monitor 10-14
persistence 10-14
LRE li nks
See LRE ports
LRE por ts
configuring 10-1, 10-5
assigning a global sequence 10-9
assigni ng a po rt sequ en ce 10-10
assigni ng a private pro file 10-9
assigni ng a public pro file 10-8
assigning the default profile 10-9
CPE Ethernet links
Cisco 575 LR E CPE conside rations 10-7
Cisco 585 LR E CPE conside rations 10-8
described 10-1, 10-5
duplex mo de 10-7
flow co ntrol 10-8
speed 10-7
statistics 10-5, 28-4
link qualification 10-12
LRE li nks
considerations 10-6
described 10-1, 10-2
statistics 10-7, 28-4
preventing loss of data 10-8
rate selection 10-10
sequences 10-4
troubleshooting 28-12
LRE pro files
global p rofi les 10-9
port seque nce s 10-10
privat e p rof ile s 10-9
public profiles 10-8
considerations 10-7
described 10-2
rate selection 10-10
table of 10-3
See also LR E ports and CPE
LRE profiles, considerations in switch clusters 6-18
lre shut down c omman d 10-5
LRE sw itc h
upgradi ng fir mwa re 10-15
LRE switc h firmw are upgra de 10-15
LRE tec hnology 10-1
See also LR E ports and CPE


MAC a ddress es
adding secu re 7-59
aging time 7-55
and VLAN association 7-55
buildin g the addre ss table 7-54
default configuration 7-55
discovering 7-61
displaying 7-60
learning 7-54
removing 7-56
in ACLs 25-18
adding 7-59
characteristics of 7-58
removing 7-59
MAC address multicast entries, monitoring 17-11
MAC a ddress -t o-VL AN mapp in g 14-25
MAC extende d access lists 25-18
manageme nt option s
clustering 1-7
CMS 1-7
CLI 2-1
CMS 3-1
CNS 5-1
overview 1-7