Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 22 Co n figuring RM ON
Configuring RMON
Figure 22-1 Remote Monitoring Example
The switc h supports t hese RM ON groups (defined in RFC 1757) :
Statistics (RMON grou p 1)Collec ts Ether net, F ast Ethernet, and Gigabit Ethernet statistics on an
History (RM ON g roup 2 )Co llects a history gro up of stati stics on Ether net, Fast Etherne t, and
Gigabit Ethernet interfaces for a specified polling interval.
Alarm (RM ON group 3)Monitors a specific management information base (MIB) object for a
specified interval, triggers an alarm at a specified value (rising threshold), and resets the alarm at
another v alue (fa lling threshold). Alar ms can be used with ev ents; the alar m triggers an e vent, which
can gene rate a log e ntry or an SNM P trap .
Event (RMON group 9)Determines the act ion to tak e w hen an e v ent is t rigger ed b y an a larm. The
action ca n be to genera te a log entry or an SNMP tr ap.
Because swit ches supp orte d by thi s IOS r ele as e us e ha rdware coun ter s fo r RM ON dat a proc essi ng, t he
monitoring is more efficient, and little processing power is required.

Configuring RMON

This se ction de scri bes how to configur e RM ON on yo ur swi tch. I t conta ins this configur ation
Default RMON Configuration, page 22-3
Configuring RM O N A lar ms a nd Events, page 2 2- 3
Configuring RMON Collection on an Interface, page 22-5
Catalyst 3550 switch
RMON alarms and events
configured. SNMP configured.
Catalyst 2950
RMON history
and statistic
collection enabled.
Catalyst 3550
Network management station with
generic RMON console application