Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
no and defaul t 2-5
setting privilege levels 7-8
comm an d sw it ch
accessing 6-13
active (AC) 6-12, 6-23
comman d sw itc h wi th HSR P di sabl ed ( CC) 6-23
config urati on confli cts 28-11
defined 6-2
enabling 6-19
passive ( PC) 6-12, 6-23
password privilege levels 6-25
priority 6-12
from comm and-sw itc h failure 6-12
from fai lure 28-8
from lost member connectivity 28-11
redundant 6-12, 6-22
with a nother sw itch 28-10
with cluster member 28-9
requirements 6-3
standby (SC ) 6-12, 6-23
See also cand idate switc h, cluster standby group,
member sw i tch , an d s ta nd by co mman d s wi tch
communi ty strings
configuring 6-16, 24-7
for cluster switches 24-4
in clusters 6-16
overview 24-4
SNMP 6-16
contro lle r for L RE up grade 10-17
global LR E 10-17
config urat ion, swi tch
saving ch ange s 3-33
configuration, switch, saving changes 3-33
config urati on confli cts, re cover ing from l ost membe r
connectivity 28-11
config urati on exam ples, ne twork
collapsed ba ckbone a nd switch clust er 1-13
design co ncept s
cost-e ffect ive wiri ng closet 1-9
high-performance workgroup 1-10
network pe rforma nce 1-8
network se rvices 1-9
redunda nt G igabi t b ackb one 1-10
hotel n etw ork 1-16
large campus 1-14
long-distance, high-bandwidth transport
configuration 1-20
small to medium-sized network 1-11
configura tion fil es
clearing the startup configuration B-19
creating using a text editor B-10
deleting a stor ed conf igur at ion B-20
described B-8
preparing B-11, B-13, B-17
reasons for B-8
using FTP B-14
using RC P B-17
using T FTP B-12
guideline s f or c reati ng and using B-9
invalid combinations when copying B-5
limiting TFTP server access 24-13
obtaini ng w ith DH CP 4-7
password recovery disable considerations 7-5
system contact and location information 24-13
types and loc ation B-10
preparing B-11, B-13, B-17
reasons for B-9
using FTP B-15
using RC P B-18
using T FTP B-12
VMPS database 14-26
configuration settings, saving 4-10
configure terminal command 9-4