Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 23 Configuring System Message Logging
Configur ing System Mes sage Loggin g

Synchronizing Log Messages

You can co nfigure the syste m to synchro nize unsolic ited messa ges and debug privilege d EXEC
comman d outpu t with solic ited device outpu t and promp ts for a speci fic console port l ine or virtu al
terminal line. You can id entify the types of m essa ges to be output asy nchronou sly based o n t he level of
se verity . You can also determine the maximum number of buf fers for storing asynchronous messages for
the t ermi n al a f te r w hi ch mes s age s ar e dr opp ed.
When synchronous logging of unsolicited messages and debug command outp ut is enab led, un solici ted
device output is displayed on the console or printed after solicited device output is displayed or printed.
Unsolicite d messages an d debug command output is displayed on the console afte r the prompt for user
input is returned. Therefore, unsolicited messages and debug com mand ou tput are not inter sperse d with
solicite d device o utput an d p rom pts. Aft er t he un sol icit ed m es sag es ar e di spla yed, th e c on sole ag ain
displays the use r promp t.
Beginning in privileged E XEC mo de , fol low these s teps to c onfigure s ync hr onous l og ging :
Command Purpose
Step 1 configure terminal Enter globa l configurati on mode.
Step 2 line [console | vty] line-number
[ending-line-number]Speci fy the line to be configure d fo r s ync hro nou s log ging of
Use th e console keyword for con figurations that occur th rough
the s witc h co nsol e p ort.
Use th e line vty line-number comma nd to sp eci fy whi ch v ty
lines are to have synchronous l ogging enabl ed. You use a vty
connection for configurations that occur through a Telnet
session. Th e range of l ine numbers i s from 0 to 15.
You can change the setting of all 16 vty lines at once by entering:
line vty 0 15
Or you can ch ange the setting of the single vty line being use d for
your cur re nt c on nect ion . For exa mp le, to ch an ge the se ttin g for vty
line 2, enter :
line v t y 2
When you ent er this comm and, t he mode cha nges to line
Step 3 logging synchronous [level severity-level |
all] [limit number-of-buffers]Ena ble sy nc hronou s l oggi ng of me ssages.
(Optiona l) For level severity-level, specify the message sev erity
le vel. Messag es wit h a sev erity level equal to or h igher than th is
valu e are prin ted async hrono usly. Low numbe rs mean greater
se verity and high numbers me an lesser se ver ity. The default is 2.
(Optional ) Specifying level all means th at al l mess ages ar e
printed asynchronously regardless of the severity level.
(Optiona l) For limi t number-of-buffers, specif y the numbe r of
buffers to be queue d for t he t ermi nal afte r whi ch new messa ges
are dro ppe d. T he d efau l t is 2 0.
Step 4 end Return to privileged EXEC mode.