Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 3 Getting Started with CMS
Menu s and Toolba r


The toolba r buttons display com monly- used switch and cluster configurat ion options and i nformat ion
windows such as legends and online help. Hover the cursor over an icon to display the feature.
Table 3-12 describes the toolbar options, from left to right on the toolbar.
Help For Active Window Display the he lp for the active open wind ow. This is the same as cl ic king Help from the
active window.
Contents List all of the available online help topics.
Legend Displa y the legend that desc ribes the ico ns, labels , and links.
About Display the CMS version number.
1. Not available in read-only mode. For more information about the read-only and read-write access modes, see the Access Mode s in CMS s ection on
page 3-31.
2. Some options from this menu option are not available in read-only mode.
3. Available only from a Device Manager session on a cluster member.
4. Available only from a Device Manager session on a command-capable switch that is not a cluster member.
5. Available only from a cluster management session.
Table 3-11 Menu Bar (continued)
Menu-Bar Options Task
Table 3-12 Toolbar Buttons
Toolbar Option Keyboard
Shortcut Task
Print Ctrl-P Print a CMS window or help file.
Preferences1Ctr l-R Set CMS display properties, such a s polling interv als, th e vie ws to open at CMS
startup , and the co lor of admi nistr atively shut down ports.
Save Configuration2Ctrl-S Save the configur ation fo r the cl uste r or swi tch to Fl ash memory.
Soft wa re U pg ra de2Ctrl-U Upgrade the software for the cluster or a switch.
Port Settings1Display an d co nfigure p ort para met ers on a swi tc h.
VLAN1Display VL AN mem be rship, a ssign po rts to V LAN s, a nd c onfigure 80 2.1 Q
Inventory Displ ay the device type , the soft ware version, the IP add ress, and ot her
information about a switch.
Refresh Update the views with the latest status.
Front Panel Display the Front Panel view.
Topology3Display th e Topo logy view.
Topol ogy Opti ons3Se lect the in forma tion t o be displ aye d in the To pology vi ew.
Save Topolo gy Layout2 3Save the pre senta tion of th e clus ter icons th at you arr ange d in the Top ology
view to Flash memory.
Legend Display the legend that describes the icons, labels, and links.
Help For Active Win dow F1 key Display the help for the active open window. This is the same as clicking Help
from the ac tive window.