Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
CMS 3-31
comm an d sw it ch 6-25
exiting 7-10
logging i nto 7-10
mapping on me mber switche s 6-25
overview 7-2, 7-8
setting a command with 7-8
profile acquisition, automatic 10-10
profile locking 10-11
profiles, LRE
considerations 10-7
assigning 10-9
described 10-2
assigning 10-9
assigni ng a public pro file 10-8
rate selection 10-10
See also LR E ports and CPE
protected ports 1-3, 18-3
pruning, VTP
enabling 15-14
enab ling o n a port 14-20
examples 15-5
overview 15-4
pru nin g- eli gib le li st
changing 14-20
for VT P p run ing 15-4
VLANs 15-14
PSTN 1-2, 1-14, 1-16
publications, related xxix
public L RE p rof iles
assigning 10-8
Public Swi tched T elepho ne N etwor k
PVST 14-2


basic mo del 26-3
class maps, descri bed 26-6
defined 26-3
in frames and packets 26-3
IP ACLs, desc ribed 26-5
MAC A CL s, descr ibe d 26-5
pass-through mode, described 26-15
policy ma ps, described 26-6
port d efau lt, de scribe d 26-4
trust DSCP, de scribed 26-5
trusted bou ndary , described 26-13
trusted CoS, descri bed 26-4
types for IP traffic 26-5
types for no n-I P t raf fic 26-4
class maps
configuring 26-20
displaying 26-28
config uration ex ampl es
common w iring clo set 26-30
intelligent wiring closet 26-30
configura tion guid elines 26-10
class maps 26-20
CoS and WRR 26-27
default port CoS value 26-13
IP ext ended ACLs 26-18
IP standa rd ACLs 26-16
MAC ACLs 26-19
policy ma ps 26-21
port trust states within the domain 26-11
QoS policy 26-16
trusted bou ndary 26-14
default configuration 26-9
displaying statistics 26-28
egress por t sched uling 26-8