Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Appendix B Working with the IOS File S ys tem, Configurat ion Files, and Soft w are Images Working with Configuration Files

Copying Configuration Files By Using FTP

You can co py configuration files to or from an FTP server.
The FTP pr otoc ol r eq uire s a c li ent to sen d a re mote u s erna me a nd passwor d on ea ch FTP re quest to a
server. When you copy a configuration file from the switch to a server by using FTP, the Cisco IOS
software sends the first valid username in this list:
The username specified in the copy command if a username is specified.
The username set by the ip ftp username username globa l configuration comm and if the co mman d
is configured.
The switch sends the first valid password in this list:
The passwor d specified in the copy command if a password is specified.
The passwor d set by the ip ftp password password global configuration comm and if the command
is configured.
The switch forms a password named username@switchname.domain. The v ar iab le username is the
username assoc iate d wit h th e cu r re nt sess io n , switchname is th e co nfigured ho s t name, an d domain
is the domain of the switch.
The username and password must be associated with an account on the FTP server. If you are writing to
the server, the FTP server must be properly configured to accept your FTP write request.
Use the ip ftp username and ip ftp pa ssword commands to specify a username and password for all
copies. Include the username in the copy command if you want to specify only a username for that copy
operati on.
If the server has a di recto ry structur e, the co nfiguration file is wr itten to or copied from the di rector y
associated with the username on the server. Fo r example, if the configuration file resides in the home
directory of a user on the server, specify that user's name as the remote username.
For more inform ation , refe r to the docum entat ion for your FTP server.
This section includes this information:
Preparing to Download or Upload a Configuration File By Using FTP, page B-13
Downloading a Configuration Fi le By Using FTP, page B-14
Uploading a Configuration File By Usin g FTP, page B-15

Preparing to Download or Upload a Configuration File By Using FTP

Before yo u begin downloading or uplo ading a co nfiguration file by using FTP, do th ese tasks:
Ensure that the switch has a route to the FTP server. The switch and the FTP server must be in the
same subnetwork if you do not have a router to route traffic between subnets. Check connectivity to
the FTP server by using the ping comm and.
If you are acc essin g the sw itch throu gh t he co nsole or a Telnet session and you do not have a valid
usernam e, m ake sur e t hat t he c ur rent FT P u ser name is th e on e that you wa nt to use for the FT P
download. You can enter the show users privileged EXEC command to view the valid username. If
you d o n ot want to us e th is us er na me, cr eat e a new FTP u ser na me by usin g th e ip ftp username
username global configuration command during all copy operations. The new username is stored in