Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
using FTP B-26
using RC P B-30
using T FTP B-23
DSCP 1-6, 26-2
DSCP-to-CoS ma p for QoS 26-26
DTP 1-5, 14-15
duplex mo de
configuring 10-7
CPE Ethernet link 10-7
duplex mo de, confi gurin g 9-11
dynami c access mode 3-10
dynami c access po rts
characteristics 14-3
configuring 14-29
defined 9-2
dynami c addresse s
See addresses
dynami c desirabl e trunki ng mode 14-16
dynami c port VLAN members hip
described 14-25
reconfirming 14-30
troubleshooting 14-31
types o f co nne cti ons 14-29
VMPS database configuration file 14-26
Dynamic Tru nking Pro toc ol


editing features
enabling and disabling 2-7
keystro kes us ed 2-8
wrapped l ines 2-9
egress port scheduling 26-8
enab le pass word 7-4
enable secret password 7-4
encapsulation 26-8
encr ypted so ftwa re image 7-33
encrypt ion f or passw ord s 7-4
error che cking , CMS 3-32
error me ssages
during co mman d entry 2-5
setting the display destination device 23-4
severity levels 23-8
system message format 23-2
automatic creation of 27-3
configura tion guid elines 27-8
default configuration 27-7
destination MAC address forwarding 27-5
displaying sta tus 27-11
forwar di ng m et ho ds 27-5, 27-10
with STP 27-8
with VLANs 27-8
Layer 2 int erfaces, configur ing 27-8
load balancing 27-5, 27-10
number of interfac es per 27-2
overview 27-1
aggreg at e-po rt le ar ners 27-5
compatibility with Catalyst 1900 27-11
displaying sta tus 27-11
intera cti on w ith oth er fea ture s 27-5
learn method and priority configuration 27-11
modes 27-4
overview 27-3
silent mode 27-4
support fo r 1-3
port-channel interfaces
described 27-2
numberi ng o f 27-2
port g roups 9-3
source MAC a ddress fo rwardi ng 27-5
Ethernet VLANs
adding 14-8
defaul ts a nd r anges 14-8
modifying 14-8