Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 5 Configuring IE 2100 CNS Agents Configuring CNS Embed ded Agents
To disable the CNS configuration agent, use the no cns config initial {ip-address | hostname} global
configurati on comm a nd.
This e xample shows ho w to conf ig ure an initi al conf ig uration on a remote switc h. The swit ch host nam e
is the u ni que ID. Th e CNS C onfigur ation Regi strar IP addre ss is 172 .28 .129. 22.
Switch(config)# cns config connect-intf serial ping-interval 1 retries 1
Switch(config-cns-conn-if)# config-cli ip address negotiated
Switch(config-cns-conn-if)# config-cli encapsulation ppp
Switch(config-cns-conn-if)# config-cli ip directed-broadcast
Switch(config-cns-conn-if)# config-cli no keepalive
Switch(config-cns-conn-if)# config-cli no shutdown
Switch(config-cns-conn-if)# exit
Switch(config)# hostname RemoteSwitch
RemoteSwitch(config)# ip route
RemoteSwitch(config)# cns id Ethernet 0 ipaddress
RemoteSwitch(config)# cns config initial no-persist
Step 8 cns config initial {ip-address | hostname} [port-number]
[event] [no-persist] [page page] [ source ip-address]
Enable t he conf igura tion agent, and initia te an initi al
Fo r { ip-address | hostname}, enter the
IP address or the host name of the configuration
(Optiona l) For port-number, en te r t he p ort
number of t he configuration server. The default
port numbe r is 80.
(Optiona l) Enab le event fo r configurat ion
success, failure, o r warning me ssages whe n the
configurati on is finished.
(Optiona l) Enab le no-persist to sup press the
automatic writing to NVRAM of the
configura tion pu lle d as a res ult of enter ing the
cns config initial global co nfigurati on
comm and. If the no-persist keyword is no t
entere d, u s ing th e cns config initial command
causes th e resultan t configuration to be
automatically written to NVRAM.
(Optional) For page page, e nt er the w eb pa ge o f
the initial con figuration. The default is
(Optiona l) Enter source ip-address to use for
source IP address.
(Optiona l) Enab le syntax-check to check the
syntax wh en this parameter is entered.
Note Th ough visib le in the com mand -l ine he lp
string, the encrypt keyw ord is not supported.
Step 9 end Return to privileged EXEC mode.
Step 10 show cns config connections Verify informatio n about the configuration agent.
Step 11 show running-config Verify y our ent rie s.
Command Purpose