Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 7 Administering the Switch
Protecting Access to Priv ileged EXEC Com m ands
Beginning i n privileged E X EC mo de , follow these s teps to d isab le pa ssword r ecovery:
To re-e nabl e passwor d rec overy, us e th e service password-recovery global configuration com mand .
Note Disa bling p assword recovery doe s not wor k if y ou have set the switc h to sta rt m anua lly by usi ng t h e
boot manual global conf igur ation comm and bec ause this comma nd allo ws the u ser to autom atically see
the bo ot loa de r pr omp t ( switch:) after power cycling the switch.

Setting a Telnet Password for a Terminal Line

When you p ower-up your sw it ch f or the first ti me, a n au to mat ic setup p rog ram run s t o as sig n IP
information and to create a default configuration for continued use. The setup program also prompts you
to con figure y our swit ch f or Telnet ac cess th rou gh a passwor d. If y ou neglect ed to co nfigure thi s
password during the setup program, you can configure it now through the command-line interface (CLI).
Beginning in privileged EXEC mode, follow these steps to configure your switch for Telnet access:
Command Purpose
Step 1 configure terminal Enter glob al co nfiguration mo de.
Step 2 no s ervi c e p as sword -rec overy Disable password recovery.
This setting is saved in an area of the Flash memory that is accessible by
the boot loader and th e IO S imag e, but it is not par t o f the file sy stem an d
is no t a cce ss ibl e by any u s er.
Step 3 end Return to privileged EXEC mode.
Step 4 show ver sion Verif y the configurat ion by checki ng the last few lin es of the displ ay.
Command Purpose
Step 1 Attach a PC or workstati on with emula tion softw are to the switc h console
The defa ult dat a c hara cte risti cs of the c ons ole port are 9600 , 8, 1, n o
parity. You might need to press the Return key several times to see the
command -li ne pr om pt.
Step 2 enable pa ssword password Enter privileged EXEC mode .
Step 3 configure terminal Enter globa l configurati on mode.
Step 4 line vty 0 15 Configure the number of Te lnet sessions (lines), and enter line
configurati on mode.
There ar e 16 possibl e sessio ns on a comman d-ca pable swi tch. The 0
and 15 mea n t hat yo u are co nfigurin g al l 16 p ossible Telnet sessio ns.
Step 5 password password Enter a Telnet password for the line or lines.
For password, specify a string from 1 to 25 alphanumeric characters. The
string cannot start with a number, is case sensitive, and allows spaces but
ignores leadi ng space s. By default, no password is de fin ed.
Step 6 end Return to privileged EXEC mode.