Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 6 Clustering Switches
Creating a Switch Cluster
Figure 6-12 Using the Topology View to Add Member Switches

Creating a Cluster Standby Group

The cluster standby group members must meet the requirements described in the Standby Command
Switch Characteristics section on page 6-3 a nd HSRP and Standby Comma nd Switches section on
page 6-12. To crea te a cluste r standby group , sele ct Cluster > Standby Command Switches (see
Figure 6-13).
Instead of using CMS to add switches to a standby group and to bind the standby group to a cluster, you
can use the standby ip, the standby name, and the standby priority interface configuration commands
and th e cluster standby group g loba l c onfigurati on c om mand.
Note When the command switch is a Catalyst 3550 switch, all standby command switches must be
Catalyst 3550 swit ches .
When the command switch is a Catalyst 2950 switch running Release 12.1(9)EA1 or later, all
standby co mm and s wit che s must b e Ca talyst 2950 sw it ches runni ng Rele ase 12.1(9 )E A1 or la ter.
When the command switch is a Catalyst 2950 switch running Release 12.1(6)EA2 or later, all
standby co mm and s wit che s m ust b e Ca talyst 295 0 swi tches ru nning Re lease 1 2.1(6 )E A2 or la ter.
When the com mand switc h is runnin g Release 12.0(5 )WC2 or ea rlier, the standby comman d
switches ca n be the se sw itches : C atalyst 2900 XL, C atalyst 2950, a nd Ca ta lyst 3500 XL switches .
Thin line means a
connection to a
candidate switch.
Right-click a candidate
switch to display the
pop-up menu, and select
Add to Cluster to add
the switch to the cluster.