Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Appendix B Working with the IOS File S ys tem, Configurat ion Files, and Soft w are Images Working with the Flash File System

Setting the Default File System

You can specify the file system or directory that the system uses as the default file system by using the
cd filesystem: privileged EXEC command. You can set the default file system to omit the filesystem:
argument fr om relate d comma nds. For exampl e, for all privileged EXEC comm ands th at have the
optional filesystem: argument, the system uses the file system specified by the cd command .
By default, the default file system is flash:.
You ca n display th e current default file system as spec ified by the cd co mm and by us in g th e pwd
privileged EXEC command.

Displaying Information about Files on a File System

You can vie w a list of the contents of a file system before manipulating its contents. For example, before
copying a new configuration file to Flash memory , you might want to verify that the file system does not
already contain a configuration file with the same name. Similarly , before copying a Flash configuration
file to another lo cation , you might want to verify its filenam e for use in an other co mmand .
Flags Permission for file system.
Prefixes Alias for file system.
bs:Read-onl y file system ; stor es the b oot lo ader i mage .
vb:Stores th e boot environment variables.
flash:Flash file system.
null:Null destina tion for c opies. You can copy a remo te file to null to det ermin e its size.
rcp:Remote C opy Prot ocol (RCP) net work server.
system:Conta ins the syste m memory, includin g the runn ing configurati on.
tftp:Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) network server.
xmodem:Ob tai n the file f rom a network ma chi ne by usin g the XMO DEM pro to col.
ymodem:Ob tai n the file f rom a network ma chi ne by usin g the YMO DEM pro to col.
zflash:R ead-only file decom pression file system, whic h mirrors the c ontents of the Flash file system.
Table B-1 show file systems Field Descriptions (continued)
Field Value