Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide


Working with the IOS File System, Configuration

Files, and Software Imag es

This a ppend ix desc ribe s how to manip ul ate t he Flash file s ystem , how to copy c on figurati on files, an d
how to archive (uploa d and download) soft ware images .
Note For complete syntax and usage information for the commands used in this chapter, refer to the Catalyst
2950 LRE Comma nd Reference for this release and the Cisco IOS Configuration Fundamentals
Comman d Re ference for R elease 12. 1.
This a ppe ndix consists of the se se ction s :
Working with the Flash File System, page B-1
Workin g w ith Configurat ion Fil es, pa ge B- 8
Workin g w it h Soft ware Ima ges , pa ge B-20

Working with the Flash File System

The Fl ash file syste m o n you r sw itc h p rovides several command s t o hel p you ma nage so ftware ima ge
and co nfiguration files.
The Flash file syste m is a single Flash device on which you can store files. This Flash device is called
This section contains this information:
Displaying Available File Systems, page B-2
Setting the Default File System, page B-3
Displaying Information about Files on a File System, page B-3
Creatin g and Rem oving Dire ctor ies, pag e B-4
Copying Fil es, p age B-5
Deleting Files, page B-5
Creating, Displaying, and Extracting tar Files, page B-6
Displaying the Contents of a File, page B-8