Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 28 Troubleshooting
Using the crashinfo File
Each ne w crash info fi le that is created uses a sequen ce number that is lar ger than any pre vious ly-exi sting
sequence number, so the f ile with the la rgest seq uence number descr ibes the most recent f ailure. Version
numbers ar e used inst ead of a time stamp be cause the sw itches do not includ e a real -time cloc k. You
cannot change the name of the file that the system will use when it creates the file. However, after the
file is created, you can use the rename privileged EXEC command to rename it, but the contents of the
renamed file will not be displayed by the show stacks or the s how tech-support privileged EXEC
comm and. You can del ete cras hinfo files using th e delete privileged EXEC comma nd.
You can display the most recent crashinfo file (that is, the file with the highest sequence number at the
end of its filename) b y enter in g the sho w stacks or the show tech-support privileged EXEC command.
Yo u also can acc ess the file by using any command that can copy or display files, such as t he more or
the copy priv ileged EXEC command.