Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 6 Clustering Swit ches Planning a Switch Cluster


Inconsistent authe nticati on configuratio ns in switch clusters cause CMS to contin ually prompt for a user
name and pa ssword. If Terminal A cce ss Cont rolle r A cces s Co ntrol Syst em Plus ( TACACS+) is
configured on a c lust er membe r, it must b e configured on a ll c lust er m em bers. Simil arl y, if Remot e
Authentic ation Dial-In User Ser vice (RADIUS) is co nfigured on a cluster member , it must be conf igured
on all clus ter memb ers. Furth er, the same switc h clust er cannot have some membe rs configured wi th
TACACS+ and other me mbers con figured with RADIUS .
For more inf ormation about TA CACS+, see the Controllin g Switch Access with TA CA CS+ sectio n on
page 7-10. For more informa tion a bout RADIU S, see th e Controlling Switch Access with RADIUS
section on page 7-18.

Access Mo des in CMS

CMS pro vides tw o le v e ls of acce ss to the co nf igurat ion options: read-wr ite ac cess and read -only ac cess.
Privilege levels 0 to 15 are sup ported.
Privilege level 15 provides you with read-write access to CMS.
Privilege levels 1 to 14 provide you with read-only access to CMS. Any options in the CMS
windows, m enu b ar, toolba r, and popu p m enus that ch ange t he s wit ch o r cl uste r co nfigur ati on are
not shown in read-on ly mode.
Privilege level 0 denies access to CMS.
For more information about CMS access modes, see the Access Modes in CMS sec tion on page 3 -31.
Note If your clu ster has these member switches run ning earlie r software re leases and if you have
read- only acces s to these me mber switch es, som e conf iguratio n windo ws for those switches di splay
incomplete information:
Catalyst 290 0 XL o r Cata lyst 3 500 X L me mb er sw itch es ru nni ng Re le ase 12. 0(5 )WC2 or
Catalyst 295 0 member swi tches runni ng Release 12 .0(5)WC2 or e arlier
Catalyst 355 0 member sw itches run ning Release 12 .1(6)E A1 or earlie r
For more information about this limitation, refer to the release notes.
These switc hes d o n ot su ppo rt r ead- only mo de on CMS:
Catalyst 190 0 and Cat alyst 28 20
Catalyst 2900 X L switches with 4-MB CPU DRAM
In rea d-o nly mod e, t h ese sw itc hes a ppea r as unavailable devices an d ca nno t be con figured fro m