Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 6 Clustering Swit ches Creating a Switch Cluster

Availability of Switch-Specifi c Features in Switch Clusters

The menu bar on the command switc h displays all optio ns available from the switch cluste r. Therefore,
features specific to a member switch are available from the command-switch menu bar. For example,
Device > LRE Profile appears in the command-switch menu bar when at least one
Catalyst 2900 LRE XL switch is in the cluster.

Creating a Switch Cluster

Using CMS to create a cluster is easier than using the CLI commands. This section provides this
Enablin g a Comma nd Switch, page 6-19
Adding Me mber Switche s, page 6-20
Creating a Cluster Standby G roup, p age 6-22
Verifyi ng a Switch Cluster, page 6-24
This section assumes you have already cabled the switches, as described in the switch hardware
installation guide, and followed the guidelines described in the Planning a Switch Cluster se ctio n on
page 6-5.
Note Refer to the release notes for th e list of Catalyst switch es eligible for switch cluste ring, includin g which
ones can be com mand switc hes and whic h ones can only be member switc hes, and for the require d
software versions an d browser and Java plug-in co nfiguration s.

Enabling a Command Switch

The sw itc h you de sign at e a s th e co mm an d swi tc h mu st m eet the requi r emen ts de scri bed i n th e
Command Switch Characteristics section on page 6-3, the Planni ng a Swit ch Clu ster sect ion on
page 6-5, and the release notes.
Note We strongly recommend that the highest-end, command-capable switch in the cluster be the
comm an d s witc h:
If your switch cluster has a Catalyst 3550 switch, that switch should be the command switch.
If your switch cluster has Catalyst 2900 XL, Catalyst 2950, and Catalyst 3500 XL switches, the
Catalyst 2950 sh ould be t h e co mm an d swi tc h.
If your switch c luster has Cata lyst 1 900, Catal yst 2820 , Catalyst 2900 X L, and
Catalyst 3500 XL switches, either the Catalyst 2900 XL or Catalyst 3500 XL should be the
comm an d s witc h.
You can en able a comman d switch , name the cl uster, and assign an IP addre ss and a password to the
command switch when you run the setup program during initial switch setup. For information about
using the setup program, refer to the release notes.