Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 17 Configuring IGMP Snooping and M V R Displaying MVR Information
This is an example of output fro m the show mvr interface privileged EXEC c om man d w he n the
member keyword is inc lud ed :
Switch# show mvr interface fastethernet0/2 members DYNAMIC ACTIVE

Displaying MVR Information

You can display MVR information for the switch or for a specified interface.
Beginning i n privileged EX EC mode , use t he c om mand s i n Table 17-6 to displ ay MV R c onfigurat ion :
This is an example of output fro m the show mvr privileged EX E C com ma nd :
Switch# show mvr
MVR Running: TRUE
MVR multicast vlan: 1
MVR Max Multicast Groups: 256
MVR Current multicast groups: 256
MVR Global query response time: 5 (tenths of sec)
MVR Mode: compatible
This is an example of output fro m the show mvr interface privileged EXE C c om mand :
Switch# show mvr interface
Port Type Status Immediate Leave
---- ---- ------- ---------------
Table 17-6 Commands for Displa y ing MVR Informa tion
show mvr Displa ys MVR status and values for th e switchwhether MVR is enabled or disabled,
the multicast VLAN, the maximum (256) and current (0 through 256) number of
multica st group s, the qu ery r espon se tim e, a nd t he M VR mod e.
show mvr interface [interface-id]
[members [vlan vlan-id]] Displays all MVR interfaces and their MVR configurations.
Wh en a sp eci fic in ter face is ent ere d, di spl ay s this inf orm ati on :
TypeReceiver or Source
StatusOne of these:
Active means the port is part of a VLAN.
Up/Down me an s tha t t he por t i s f or warding or no nfo rwardin g.
Inact ive means that the port is not part of any VLAN .
Immedi ate Le aveEnabled or Disabled
If the members keyw ord is entered, displ ays all multicast group members on this port or,
if a VLAN identifica tion is entered, all multicast group members on the VLAN. The
VLAN ID range is 1 to 1005 when the SI is installed and 1 to 4094 when the EI is
instal led; do not en ter lead ing zeros .
show mvr members [ip-address] Displays all rece i v er po rts that ar e member s of an y IP mul ticast gr oup or the speci f ied IP
multic ast group I P a ddr ess .