Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 10 Configuring LRE Configuring LRE Ports
Use the show controllers lre privileged EXEC commands to display the LRE link statistics and profile
information on the LRE ports. For information about these commands, refer to the switch command

Assigning a Profile to a Specific LRE Port

You can set profiles on a per-port basis. You can assign the same profile or dif ferent profiles to the LRE
ports on the switch. The default active profile on all LRE ports is LRE-10.
The switc h resets the port s with the upda ted profile settings w hen chang ed.
Beginning in privileged EXEC mode, follow these steps to assign a profile to a specific LRE port:
Use the show controllers lre privileged EXEC command to display the LRE link statistics and profile
information on the LRE ports. For information about these commands, refer to the switch command

Assigning a Global Sequence to All LRE Ports

Global seque nce s a re se t o n a swit ch-w ide bas is. I f you assi gn a gl obal seque nce to t h e sw itch, it
over-rides any previously or subsequently set profiles. (For further information on sequence and profile
precen de nce, se e Guide li nes f or Usin g LRE Pr ofiles, page 10-7.)
Changes to the global sequence settings are immediately put in ef fect, and the global mode automatically
become s the ac tive mode.
Beginning in privileged E XEC mo de , fol low these s teps to a ssign a g loba l se quenc e to the LRE por ts:
Use the show controllers lre status sequence details privileged E XEC co mm an ds to disp la y t he L RE
link statistics a nd sequen ce inform ation on the L RE ports. F or in formation a bout these c ommands, re fer
to the s witc h co mmand refer ence .
Command Purpose
Step 1 configure terminal Enter gl obal c on figuratio n mod e.
Step 2 interface LRE-interface Enter interface configuration mode, and enter the number of the LRE port to
be co nfigured.
Step 3 profile profile_name Enter the port profile name (select from the list in Table 10-1).
Step 4 end Retur n to privileged EXEC mode .
Step 5 show controllers lre profile details Verify the change.
Command Purpose
Step 1 configure terminal Enter globa l configurati on mode.
Step 2 lre rate sele ction sequence sequence_name Enter the global sequence name. Select from the list in Table 10-2.
Step 3 end Return to privileged EXEC mode.
Step 4 show controllers lre status sequence Verify the change.