Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
neighbor da tabase 19-2
overview 19-1
resetting an interface 19-5
status, displaying 19-6
unautho rized port s with 802.1X 8-4
UniDir ect iona l L ink Dete cti on prot ocol
UNIX syslog servers
daemon c onfigura tion 23-11
facilities supported 23-12
message l og ging co nfig urat ion 23-11
unrecog nize d Ty pe-L en gth- Val ue (TL V) s uppo rt 15-4
upgrade 10-15
behavior de tails 10-18
config uri ng f or 10-15
conrtoller configuration 10-17
example 10-18
global con fi gu ratio n 10-17
performing 10-15, 10-16
upgradi ng sof t ware, VLA N con si dera tions 15-8
upgradi ng soft ware im ages
See downloa ding
described 13-4
enabling 13-17
support fo r 1-4
config urati on files
preparing B-11, B-13, B-17
reasons for B-9
using FTP B-15
using RC P B-18
using T FTP B-12
image files
preparing B-22, B-25, B-29
reasons for B-20
using FTP B-28
using RC P B-32
using T FTP B-24
user EXE C mode 2-2
username-based authentication 7-7


verify ing chan ges in CMS 3-32
version -depend ent tra nsparen t mode 15-4
virtual IP address
cluster st andb y g roup 6-13, 6-23
command switch 6-13, 6-23
See also IP addresses
vlan.dat file 14-4
VLAN configuration
at bootup 14-7
saving 14-7
VLAN c on figur ation m ode 2-3, 14-6
VLAN database
and st artu p con figu ra tion f ile 14-7
and VTP 15-1
VLAN c onfi gurat ion save d i n 14-7
VLANs saved in 14-4
vlan database command 14-6
vlan g loba l c onfi gurat ion c omma nd 14-6
VLAN ID, discovering 7-61
VLAN management domain 15-2
VLAN M anage ment Po licy Serve r
VLAN membership
confirming 14-30
modes 3-9, 14-3
VLAN Query Protocol
adding 14-8
adding t o VLAN dat aba se 14-8
aging dyn amic ad dresses 11-9
allowed on t runk 14-19
and spanning-tree instances 14-2, 14-6, 14-13
config uration guid elines , normal -range VLANs 14-5