Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 2 Using the Com m and-Line Inte rfa ce Abbreviating Commands
Port numberT he n umber of the physic al por t on the sw itch . Refe r to y our swi tch for th e por t

Abbreviating Command s

You have to ente r on ly enou gh ch ara cters for the switc h to re cogn i ze the co mmand a s u niqu e. T hi s
example s hows how to enter th e show configuration privileged EXEC command:
Switch# show conf

Using no and defa ult Forms of Comman ds

Almos t e v ery co nf iguration comma nd also has a no form. In ge neral, use the no form to disable a feature
or fun ctio n or reverse th e a ct ion of a co mm an d. For exam pl e, t he no shutdown interface configur ation
command reve rses the shutdown of an interface. Use the command without the keyword no to re-enable
a disable d featur e or to en able a feat ure tha t is disab led by default .
Configuration commands can also have a default form. The default form of a command returns the
command setting to its default. Most commands are disabled by default, so the default form is th e sa me
as the no form. Ho wev er , some comma nds are enable d b y default and hav e v ariables set to certain defa ult
values . In thes e ca ses , the default command enables the command and sets variables to their default

Understandin g CLI Message s

Table 2-3 lists so me err or messa ges t hat you mi ght enc oun ter whil e usi ng the CLI to co nfigure you r
Table 2-3 Common CLI Error Messages
Error Message Meaning How to Get Help
% Ambiguous command:
"show con" You did not enter enough characters
for your switch to recognize the
Re-enter the command followed by a question mark (?)
with a space between the command and the question
The possi ble keywords t hat you ca n en ter w ith the
command are displayed.
% Incomplete command. You did not enter all the keywords or
values required by this command. Re-enter the command followed by a question mark (?)
with a space between the command and the question
The possi ble keywords t hat you ca n en ter w ith the
command are displayed.
% Invalid input detected
at ‘^’ marker. You entere d the co mman d
incorrectly. The caret (^) marks the
point of the error.
Enter a qu estion ma rk (?) to display all the commands
that ar e available in this command mode.
The possi ble keywords t hat you ca n en ter w ith the
command are displayed.