Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Appendix B Working with the IOS File S ys tem, Configurat ion Files, and Soft w are Images Working with Configuration Files
This exam ple shows how to copy t he run ni ng co nfigura tion file name d switch2-confg to the netadmin1
directo ry on t he r emot e ho st wit h an IP ad dress of 172 .1 6.101. 101 :
Switch# copy system:running-config rcp://netadmin1@
Write file switch-confg on host[confirm]
Building configuration...[OK]
Connected to
This example shows how to store a startup configuration file on a server:
Switch# configure terminal
Switch(config)# ip rcmd remote-username netadmin2
Switch(config)# end
Switch# copy nvram:startup-config rcp:
Remote host[]?
Name of configuration file to write [switch2-confg]?
Write file switch2-confg on host[confirm]

Clearing Configuration Information

You can clear the configuration information from the startup configuration. If you reboot the switch with
no startup configuration, the switch enters the setup program so that you can reconfigure the switch with
all new settings.

Clearing the Startup Configuration File

To cle ar t he c on tent s of yo ur st art up configur ati on, u se t he erase nvram: or the erase startup-config
privileged EXEC command.
Caution You cannot restore the startup configuration file after it has been deleted.
Step 4 ip rc m d rem ot e - us e rn am e username (Optional) Specify the remote username.
Step 5 end Return to privileged EXEC mode.
Step 6 copy system:running-config
copy nvram:startup-config
Using RCP , copy the configuration file from a switch running
or startup co nfiguration file to a networ k server.
Command Purpose