Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
SNAP 20-1
accessing MIB variables with 24-4
described 24-3
disabling 24-7
communi ty strings
configuring 24-7
for cluster switches 24-4
overview 24-4
config urati on exam ples 24-14
default conf igur ati on 24-6
groups 24-8
in clusters 6-16
and tr ap keyw ord 24-10
described 24-5
differ ence s fro m trap s 24-5
enabling 24-12
limiting access by TFTP servers 24-13
limiting system log messages to NMS 23-10
manage r function s 24-3
managing c luster s w ith 6-26
location of A-2
supported A-1
notifications 24-5
overview 24-1, 24-4
status, displaying 24-15
system contact and location 24-13
trap m ana ger , conf ig uring 24-11
described 24-3, 24-5
differ ence s from infor ms 24-5
enabling 24-10
enabling MAC address notification 7-56
overview 24-1, 24-4
types of 24-10
users 24-8
version s su ppo rted 24-2
snooping , IGMP 17-1
definiti on of 10-12
downstream rate requirements 10-12
margins 10-12
upstream rate requirements 10-13
LRE 7-61
non-LRE 7-61
upgrading 7-61
See also release notes
software, VLAN considerations 15-8
softw a re i m ag es
location in Flash B-20
recove ry pr oc ed ures 28-6
tar file format, described B-21
See also do wnload ing an d uploadi ng
source addresses, in ACLs 25-12
configura tion guid elines 21-8
default configuration 21-8
destination ports 21-5
displaying sta tus 21-20
intera cti on w ith oth er fea ture s 21-7
monitore d ports 21-4
monit oring p orts 21-5
overview 1-6, 21-1
received traffic 21-3
session limits 21-8
creating 21-9
defined 21-3
limiting source traffic to specific VLANs 21-13
monitoring VLANs 21-12
removi ng de sti natio n ( moni toring ) p or ts 21-11
removi ng source (moni tored ) ports 21-11
specifying monitored ports 21-9