Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 7 Adminis tering the Switch Controlling Switch Access with TACACS+
This se ctio n c onta ins thi s configu ratio n inf or mat ion:
Default TACACS+ Configuration, page 7- 13
Identif ying the TACACS+ Server Host and Settin g the Authe nticatio n Key, page 7-13
Configuring TACACS+ Login Authentication, page 7-14
Configuring TACACS+ Authori za tion f or Privileged EXEC A cces s and N etwork Servi ces, page
Startin g TACAC S+ Accoun ting, pa ge 7-17

Default TACACS+ Configuration

TACACS+ and AAA are di sabled by defaul t.
To prevent a la pse i n secu rit y, you ca nn ot c on figure TACACS+ thro ugh a ne twor k m anag em ent
appli cation. When enab led, TACACS+ can authe ntica te users acc essing th e switch th rough the CLI.
Note Alth ough TACACS+ configuration is per formed th rough the CLI, the TACACS+ server authentic ates
HTTP c onn ect ions th at have been configur ed w it h a privilege l evel of 15.

Identifying the TACACS+ Server Host and Setting the Authentication Key

You can co n figure th e swi tch to use a sin g le ser ver or AAA ser ver group s to gr oup e x isting se rver h osts
for authentication. You can group servers to select a subset of the configured server hosts and use them
for a particular service. The server group is used with a global server-host list and contains the list of IP
addresses of the selected server hosts.
Beginning in privileged EXEC mode, follow these steps to identify the IP host or host maintaining
TACACS+ server and optiona lly set th e encr yption key:
Command Purpose
Step 1 configure terminal Enter globa l configurati on mode.
Step 2 tacacs-server host hostname [ port
integer] [timeout integer] [key string]Identify the IP host or hosts maintaining a TACAC S+ server. Enter this
command multiple times to create a list of preferred hosts. The software
searches for hosts in the or der in whic h you specify th em.
For hostname, specify the na me or IP addre ss of the host.
(Optional) For port integer, specify a server port number . The default
is port 49. Th e range is 1 to 65535.
(Optiona l) For timeout integer, specify a time in seconds the switch
waits for a response from the daemon before it times out and declares
an error. The default is 5 seconds. Th e range is 1 to 1000 seconds.
(Optiona l) For key string, specify the encryption key for encrypting
and decrypting all traffic between the switch and the TACACS+
daemon. You must configure the same key on the TA CACS+ daemon
for encryption to be successful.
Step 3 aaa new-model Enable AAA.