Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 7 Administering the Switch
Protecting Access to Priv ileged EXEC Com m ands

Protecting Enable and Enable Secret Passwords with Encryption

To provide an additional layer of security, particularly for passwords that cross the network or that are
stored on a Trivial File Tr ansfer Protocol (TFTP) server, you can use either the enable password or
enable secret global configuration commands. Both commands accomplish the same thing; that is, you
can es tabl ish an encr ypte d pa ss wor d that u ser s must enter to ac cess priv ile ged EXE C mo de ( the def a ult)
or any privilege level you specify.
We re co mmend th at you use the enable secret command be c aus e i t use s an im proved encr ypt ion
If you configure the enable secret command, it takes precedence over the enable password command;
the two commands cannot be in effect simultaneously.
Beginning in privileged EXEC mode, follow these steps to configure encryption for enable and enable
secr et pas swords :
Command Purpose
Step 1 configure terminal Enter g lo bal c onfigurat ion m ode.
Step 2 enable password [ level level] {password |
encry ption -typ e encry pte d-passw ord}
enable secret [level level] {password |
encry ption -typ e encry pte d-passw ord}
Define a new password or change an existi ng password for
access to privileged EXEC mode.
Define a sec ret p assword, wh ich is saved using a
nonreversible encry ptio n me thod.
(Optional) For level, the range is fr om 0 to 15. L evel 1
is nor ma l user EXE C mo de pr i v ile ge s . The d efa ul t lev el
is 15 (pr ivileged EXEC m ode p rivileges).
For password, specify a string from 1 to 25
alphanumeric characters. The string cannot start with a
number, is case sensitiv e , and allows spaces but ignores
leadin g spaces. By de fault, no password is defined.
(Optional) For encryption-type, only type 5, a Cisco
propri etary e ncryp tio n a lgor ith m, i s available. If you
specify an encryption type, you must provide an
encrypt ed passwordan enc rypt ed p assword you c opy
from a noth er Ca taly st2 950 switch c onfiguratio n.
Note If you specif y an encryp tion typ e and then enter a
clear t ext password, you can not re-enter pr ivilege d
EXEC mod e. You c annot recover a lo st en crypt e d
password by any me tho d.
Step 3 service password-encryption (Optional) Encrypt the password when the password is
defined or when the configuration is written.
Encrypt ion prev ents the passwor d from being readab le in the
configuration file.
Step 4 end Return t o privileged E XEC m ode .
Step 5 copy running-config startup-config (Optional) Save your entries in the configuration file.