Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide

Configuring SPAN and RSPAN

This chapter describes how to configure Switched Port Analyzer (SPAN) and Remote SPAN (RSPAN)
on your switch.
Note For comple te syntax and us age inform ation for the co mmands used in this chapter, refer to th e command
refere nce fo r thi s r ele ase.
This chapter consists of these sections:
Understa nding SPAN an d RSPAN , page 21-1
Configuring SPA N, pa ge 2 1-8
Configuring RSPAN, page 21-14
Displayin g SPAN and RSPAN Status, page 21-2 0

Understandin g SPAN and RSPAN

You can analyz e network tr affi c passin g through por ts or VLANs by using SPA N to send a copy of the
traffic to another port on the switch that has been connected to a SwitchProbe device or other Remote
Monitoring (RMON) probe. SPAN mirrors received or sent (or both) traff ic on a source port and received
traffic on one or mo re source port s or source VL ANs, to a destina tion por t for analysis.
For exam p le, in Figure 21-1, all traff ic on port 5 (the source port) is mirrored to port 10 (the destination
port). A n etwor k an al yze r o n por t 10 re c eives all net work tr affic from p ort 5 wit hout b eing phy sical ly
attached to port 5.