Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 15 Configuring VTP Configuring VTP

VTP Configuration Options

You can co nfigure VTP by using these configurati on modes.
VTP Configurat ion in G lobal Co nfiguration M odes, page 15- 7
VTP Configurat ion in VLA N Configuratio n Mod e, p ag e 15- 7
You acce ss VLAN configuratio n mode by enteri ng the vl an databa se privileged EXEC command.
For detailed information about vtp commands, refer to the command reference for this release.

VTP Configuration in Global Configuration Modes

You ca n use the vtp global configuratio n command to set the VTP password, the version, t he VTP file
name, the interface providing updated VTP information, the domain name, and the mode, and to disable
or enable pr uning. For mor e inform ation abou t available keywords, refe r to the comma nd descri ption s
in th e co mm an d r efer en ce for this release. The VTP information is saved in the VTP VLAN database.
When VTP mod e is transpar ent, the V TP domain name and mode are al so saved in the switch runni ng
configuration file, and you can save it in the switch startup configuration file by entering the copy
running-conf ig startup-config privileged EXEC command. You must use this command if you want to
save VTP mode as transparent, even if the switch resets.
When you save VTP information in the switch startup configuration file and reboot the switch, the
switch configuration is determined as follows:
If the VTP mode is transparent in the startup configuration and the VLAN database and the VTP
domain name from the VLAN database matches that in the startup configuration file, the VLAN
database is ignored (cleared), and the VTP and VLAN configurations in the startup configuration
file are used. The V LAN data base revision numbe r remain s unchang ed in the VLA N databa se.
If the VTP mode or domain name in the startup configuration do not match the VLAN database, the
domain nam e an d V TP m ode and c on figuration for the first 100 5 V LA Ns use the V LAN d ata base
inform ati on.
If the switc h is runni ng IOS Re lea se 12.1 (9)EA 1 or late r an d you us e an ol der c onfigurat ion file to
boot up the swi tc h, t he c onfigura tion file do es not co ntain V TP or VLA N i nfor ma tion, a nd t he
switch uses the VLAN datab ase configurati ons.
If the switch is running an IOS release earlier than 12.1(9)EA1 on the switch and you use a
configuration file from IOS Release 12.1(9)EA1 or later to boot up the switch, the image on the
switch does not recogni ze VLAN and V TP configuration s in the configurat ion file, so the switch
uses th e VLA N da ta bas e configur ati on.

VTP Configuration in VLAN Configuration Mode

You can configure all VTP parameters in V LAN configuration mode, which you acc ess by entering t he
vlan database privi leg ed EXEC c ommand. For more in formatio n about a vai lable k e yw ords, refer to the
vtp VLA N c on figurati on co mm an d d escri ption i n the com ma nd re fe renc e fo r th is r ele ase. Wh en yo u
enter the exit command in VLAN configuration mode, it applies all the commands that you entered and
update s the VLAN database. VTP messages are sen t to other switc hes in the VTP doma in, and th e
privileged EXEC mo de p rom pt a pp ears.
If VTP mode is transparent, the domain name and the mode (transparent) are saved in the switch running
configurati o n, and you can save this information in the switch sta rtup configur ation file by enterin g the
copy running-config startup-config privileged EXEC command.