Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide

Getting Started with CMS

This chapter provides these topics about the Cluster Management Suite (CMS) software:
Features, page 3-2
Front Panel View, page 3-4
Topology View, page 3 -10
Menus and Toolbar, page 3-15
Interaction Modes, page 3-25
Wizards, pa ge 3-26
Online Help, page 3- 26
CMS Window Compone nts, pa ge 3 -28
Accessing CM S, page 3-30
Verifying Your Changes , page 3-32
Saving Your Co nfiguration, p age 3- 33
Restoring Your C onfiguration , page 3- 33
CMS P r efer en ce s, pa ge 3 -33
Using Different Versi ons of CM S, pa ge 3 -34
Where to Go Next, page 3-34
Note For system require ments a nd for browser and Java plug-in co nfiguration pr ocedu res, refe r to the
release notes.
For procedures for using CMS, refer to the online help.
Note Th is c hapter desc rib es CM S on t he C atal yst 2 950 and Cat alyst 2950 L RE swit ches. R efer to the
appropriate switch documentation for descriptions of the web-based management software used on other
Catalyst switches.