Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 23 Configuring System Message Logging
Configur ing System Mes sage Loggin g

Disabling and Enabling Message Logging

Message logging is enab led by default. It must be enabled to send messages to an y destination other than
the conso le. Wh en ena ble d, l og me ssage s a re sent to a l o gging proc es s, whi ch logs me ssage s to
designat ed locatio ns asynchron ously to the pr ocesses th at genera ted the message s.
Beginning in privileged EXEC mo de, foll ow these steps to disab le messag e logging:
Disabling the logging proce ss ca n slow down the switch beca use a proce ss m ust w ai t u ntil the messages
are written to the console before continuing. When the logging process is disabled, messages are
displayed on the console as soon as they are produced, often appearing in the middle of command output.
The logg ing sy nchronous globa l c onfigura tion c om mand a lso a ffects th e displa y o f me ssa ges to the
console . Whe n thi s com ma nd is e nabl ed, m essage s appea r on ly a fte r you pr ess Ret urn . For mor e
information, see the Synchron izing Log M essages section on page 23-6.
To re-e nabl e messa ge l og ging af ter it has be en d isa ble d, u se t he logg in g on glo ba l co nfigurat ion

Setting the Message Display Destination Device

If message logging is enabled, you can send messages to specific locations in addition to the console.
Beginning in privileged EX EC mode, use one or more of the following com mands to spe cify the
locations that receive messages:
Command Purpose
Step 1 configure terminal Enter gl obal configurat ion mode.
Step 2 no logging on Disabl e message log ging.
Step 3 end Retur n to privileged EXEC mode .
Step 4 show running-config
show logging
Verify yo ur entries.
Step 5 copy running-config startup-config (Optio nal) Save you r entries in the con figuration file.
Command Purpose
Step 1 configure terminal Enter g l obal c onfigura tion m od e.
Step 2 logging buffe red [size] Log messa ges to an inte rnal buffer. Th e default buffer size is 4096. Th e
range is 4 096 to 429 496729 5 byt es.
Note Do not make the buf fer size too large because the switch could run
out of memory for other tasks. Use the show memory privileged
EXEC command to view the free processor memory on the switch;
however, this value is the maximum available, and the buffer size
should not be se t to thi s am ount .