Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
displaying the time and date 7-44
overview 7-34
See also NTP
system message logging
default conf igur ati on 23-3
defining err or messa ge se veri ty level s 23-8
disabling 23-4
displaying t he c on figur ation 23-12
enabling 23-4
facility keywords, described 23-12
level key word s, descr ibed 23-9
limiting messages 23-10
message f orm at 23-2
overview 23-1
sequenc e num bers, ena bli ng a nd disabl ing 23-8
setting the display destination device 23-4
synchroniz ing log messa ges 23-6
timestamps, enabling and disabling 23-7
UNIX syslog servers
configuring the daemon 23-11
configuring the logging facility 23-11
facilities supported 23-12
system messa ges on CMS 3-19
system name
default conf igur ati on 7-48
default setting 7-48
manual configuration 7-48
See also DNS
system prompt
default setting 7-48
manual configuration 7-49


tables, CMS 3-29
tabs, CMS 3-29
accoun ting, de fined 7-11
authe ntic at ion, defi ne d 7-11
author izat ion, defi ned 7-11
accounting 7-17
authentication key 7-13
authorization 7-16
login authentication 7-14
default configuration 7-13
displaying the c onfi gura tion 7-17
identifying the server 7-13
in clusters 6-17
limiting the services to the user 7-16
operation of 7-12
overview 7-10
tracking ser vices ac cessed by user 7-17
tar files
creating B-6
displaying the c ontent s of B-7
extracting B-7
image file format B-21
acces sing mana gement inte rfac es 2-10
accessing the CLI 1-7
from a browse r 2-11
setting a password 7-6
Terminal Access Controller Access Control System Plus
terminal lines, setting a password 7-6
configura tion fil es
downloading B-12
prep arin g the s erver B-11
uploading B-12
configura tion fil es in base dire ctory 4-6
config urin g fo r a utoc onf igur ation 4-5
image files
deleting B-24
downloading B-23
prep arin g the s erver B-22
uploading B-24