Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 8 Configuring 802.1X Port-Based Authentication
Configuring 802. 1X Authe n tication
This exam ple sh ows how to specify the server w it h IP add re ss 172. 20. 39.46 a s the R ADI US server, to
use port 1612 as the authorization port, and to set the encryption key to rad123, matching the k e y on the
RADIUS server:
Switch(config)# radius-server host 172.l20.39.46 auth-port 1612 key rad123
You can globally configure the timeout, retransmission, and encryption key values for all RADIUS
servers by using the radius-server host global configur ation c omma nd. If y ou want t o configu re t hese
options on a per-server basis, use the radius-server timeout, radius -server retrans mit, a nd the
radius-serv er key global configuration commands. For more information, see the Configuring Settings
for Al l R ADI US S er vers section on page 7-29.
You also need to configure some settings on the RADIUS server. These settings include the IP address
of the switch and the key string to be shared by both the server and the switch. For more information,
refer to the RADIUS server documentation.

Enabling Periodic Re-Authentication

You ca n en ab le per iodi c 8 02. 1X c li ent re-a uthe nti cat ion a nd spe cif y h ow often i t o cc urs . If yo u do not
specify a tim e period before ena bling re-authen ticati on, the nu mber of seconds betw een
re-authentication attempts is 3600.
Autom atic 8 02.1X clie nt re -aut hent icat ion i s a gl obal setti ng and c anno t b e set for clien ts conne cted t o
individual ports. To manually re-authenticate the client connected to a specific port, see the Manually
Re-Authe nticat ing a Client Connected to a Port sect ion o n page 8-11.
Beginn ing in pri vileged EXE C mode, follo w these steps to e nable periodic re-aut hentication of th e client
and to configure the number of seconds between re-authentication attempts:
To di sable pe riodi c r e- aut hent icat ion, use th e no dot1 x re- authe nti c atio n gl ob al co nfigurat ion
comm and.To return to the d efaul t nu mbe r of se conds be tw ee n re -a uthe ntica ti on atte mp ts, u se t he no
dot1x timeout re-authperiod globa l c onfiguratio n c omma nd .
This example shows how to enable periodic re-authentication and set the number of seconds between
re-authe nticat ion atte mpts to 400 0:
Switch(config)# dot1x re-authentication
Switch(config)# dot1x timeout re-authperiod 4000
Command Purpose
Step 1 configure terminal Enter glob al co nfiguration mo de.
Step 2 dot1x re-authentication Enab le peri odic r e-au then t icat ion o f th e c lie nt, whi ch i s disa bled by
Step 3 dot1x timeout re-authperiod seconds Set the nu mber of seco nds betwee n re-aut hentica tion atte mpts.
The range is 1 to 4294967 295; t he default is 3600 second s.
This comm and affects the be havior of the switch only if pe riodic
re-authe ntic ation is ena bled.
Step 4 end Return to privileged EXEC mode.
Step 5 show dot1x Verify your entries.
Step 6 copy running-config startup-config (Optional) Save your entries in the configuration file.