Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 7 Administering the Switch
Managing the MAC Address Table
To retur n to the de fault v alue, use the no mac addr ess-table aging-time global configuration command.

Removi ng Dyn amic Ad dre ss E ntries

To remove all dynamic entries, use the clear mac address-table dynamic command in privileged EXEC
mode. You can also remove a specific MAC address (clear mac address-table dynamic address
mac-address), rem ove all addre sse s on t he spe cified phy sica l po rt o r por t c hanne l ( clear mac
address-table dynamic interface interface-id), or remove all addresses on a specified VLAN (clear
mac address-table dynamic vlan vlan-id).
To v erify th at dynam ic entr ies ha ve been rem ov ed, use the sho w mac address-table d ynamic privileged
EXEC command.

Configuring MAC Address Notification Traps

MAC address notification enables you to track users on a network by storing the MAC address activity
on the switch . Whenever the switc h learns or rem oves a MAC address, an SNMP notification ca n be
generated and sent to the NMS. If you ha ve many users coming and going from the network, you can set
a trap interval time to bundle the notification traps and reduce network traffic. The MAC notification
histo ry t able st ores the MAC address act i v ity for each har dwa re p ort fo r wh ich th e tra p is en able d. MAC
address notifications are generated for dynamic and secure MAC addresses; ev ents are not generated for
self addresses, multicast addresses, or other static addresses.
Step 4 show mac address-table aging-time Verify your entri es.
Step 5 copy running-config startup-config ( Opt ional ) Save your ent ries in t he c onfigurat ion file.
Command Purpose