Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 14 Configuring VLA Ns Configuring Normal -Rang e VLANs

Saving VLAN Configuration

The co nfiguration s of VLAN IDs 1 to 10 05 are a lways saved in the VLAN da tabase (vl an.dat file). If
VTP mode is transparent, they are al so saved in the switch runn ing configuratio n file and you can enter
the copy running-config startup-config privileged EX EC c omm and to save th e configur ati on in th e
startup co nfigurati on file. You can use the show running-config vlan privileged EXEC command to
display the switch running configuration file. To display the VLAN configuration, enter the show vlan
privileged EXEC command.
When you save VLAN and VTP infor mation (i ncluding extended-r ange VL AN configurati on
information) in the startup configuration file and reboot the switch, the switch configuration is
determined as follows:
If the VTP mode is transparent in the startup configuration, and the VLAN database and the VTP
domain name from the VLAN database matches that in the startup configuration file, the VLAN
database is ignored (cleared), and the VTP and VLAN configurations in the startup configuration
file are used. The V LAN data base revision numbe r remain s unchang ed in the VLA N databa se.
If the VTP mod e or dom ain name in t h e start u p configu ratio n d oes not mat ch t he V LAN da tab as e,
the doma in name and VTP mode an d configurati on for the first 1005 VLANs use the VLAN
database information.
If VTP mode is server, the domain name and VLAN configuration for the f irst 1005 VLANs use the
VLAN database information
If the switch is running IOS Release 12.1(9)EA1 or later and you use an older startup configuration
file to bo ot up the switc h, t he c on figuratio n file do es not co nta in V TP or V L AN infor mat ion, and
the switch uses the VLAN database configuration s.
If the switch is running an I OS release earlier than 12.1(9)EA1 and you use a startup c onfigur ation
file from IOS Release 12.1(9) EA1 or later to boot up the switch, the image o n the switch does not
recognize the VLAN and VTP configurations in the startup configuration file, so the switch uses the
VLAN d ata ba se co nfigur atio n.
Caution If the VLAN da tabase con figuration is used at start up and the st artup co nfiguration file con tains
extended -rang e VLA N c onfigura tio n, t his in for mat ion is l ost w h en the syst em boot s u p.