Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 3 Getting Started with CMS
Front Panel Vi ew
Figure 3-5 Front Panel View from a 2950 non-LRE Standalone Switch

Cluste r Tr ee

The cluster tree (see Figure 3-2 for LRE switches and Figure 3-3 fo r non- LR E switc hes) ap pear s in th e
left fr am e of the Fr ont Panel v iew and sh ows the n ame of the cl uster an d a list of i ts me mber s. Th e
sequence of the cl uster-tree icons ( se e Figure 3-6) mirror t he sequenc e of the Fron t-Panel imag es. You
can chan ge the sequ ence by sel ecti ng View > Arran ge Front Pane l. The colors of the devices in the
cluster tree show the status of the devices (see Table 3-1).
If you want to configure switch or cluster settings on one or more switches, select the appropriate
Front-Panel image.
To select a fr ont-p anel im age, cl ick ei ther th e cluste r-tree icon or t he corre spondi ng front-p anel
image. The front-panel image is then highlighted with a yellow outline.
To select multiple front-pa nel images, press th e Ctrl key, and l eft-click the clu s ter-tree icons or the
front-panel images. T o deselect an icon or image, press the Ctrl key, and left-cl ick the ico n or image.
If the cluster has many switches, you might need to scroll down the window to display the rest of the
front-p an el ima ge s. In stead of sc roll ing, you can click a n icon in the cl uste r tree, and CMS th en scrolls
and di spla ys th e co rrespo ndi n g fron t -pane l ima ge .
Figure 3-6 Cluster-Tree Icons
Right-click a port to
display the port pop-up
menu, and select an
option to view or change
port-related settings.
Press Ctrl, and then
left-click ports to select
multiple ports. The color
of the port LED reflects
port or link status.
LEDs display the
current port mode
and the status of the
switch and
connected RPS.
Left-click the Mode
button to change
the meaning of the
port LEDs.
Table 3-1 Cluster Tree Icon Colors
Color Device St atus
Green Switch is operating normally.
Yello w The internal fan of the sw itch is not operat ing, or the swit ch is recei ving p ow er from an RPS.
Red Switch is not po wered up, has lost po wer, or the command switch is unable to communica te
with the member switch.