Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 15 Configuring VTP
Configuring VTP
Note You can al so configure a VTP clie nt by using the vl an database privileged EXEC command to enter
VLAN configuration mode and entering the vtp client command, similar to the second procedure under
Configuring a VTP Server section on page 15-9. Use the no vtp client VLAN configuration command
to return the switch to VTP server mode or the no vtp password VLAN configura tion c omma nd to
return the switch to a no-password state. When you configure a domain name, it cannot be removed; you
can only reassign a swit ch to a differen t domain.

Disabling V TP (V TP Tr an spar en t Mod e)

When you configure the switch for VTP transparent mode, you disable VTP on the switch. The switch
does not send V TP upda tes a nd doe s no t act on VT P upd ate s rece ived from othe r switc hes. However, a
VTP transparent switch running VTP version 2 does forward received VTP advertisements on all of its
trunk links.
Note Be fore yo u crea te extended- range VLAN s ( VLA N IDs 100 6 to 40 94) , you m ust se t V TP m ode to
transpar ent by using the vtp mode transpar e nt global configuration command. Sav e this configuration
to the startup configuration so that the switch boots up in VTP transparent mode. Otherwise, you lose
the extended-r ange VLAN configurat ion if the sw itch resets and boots up in VT P server mode (the
Beginning in privileged EXEC mode, follow these steps to configure VTP transparent mode and sav e the
VTP configurat ion in the sw itch startu p configurati on file:
To return the switch to VTP server mode, use the no vtp mode globa l c onfigurati on com ma nd.
Note If exten ded -ran ge VLA Ns ar e co nfigured on t he sw it ch, you c anno t ch an ge VT P mo de to se rver. You
receive an er ror m essa ge, and th e c onfiguration i s not all owed.
Command Purpose
Step 1 configure terminal Enter globa l configurati on mode.
Step 2 vtp mode transparent Configure the switch for VTP transparent mode (disable VTP).
Step 3 end Return to privileged EXEC mode.
Step 4 show vtp stat us Verify your entries in the VTP Operating Mode and the VTP Domain
Name fields of the display.
Step 5 copy running-config startup-config (Optional) Save the configuration in the startup configuration file.
Note Only VTP mode and domain name are saved in the switch running
configurati on and can be copied to the startu p configuratio n file.