Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 15 Configuring VTP Configuring VTP

Adding a VTP Client Switch to a VTP Domain

Before adding a VTP client to a VTP domain, always verify that its VTP configuration revision number
is lower than the configuration revision number of the other switches i n the VTP domai n. Switches in a
VTP domain a lways use the VLAN con figurat ion of the switch with the highest VTP configuration
revision numbe r. If yo u add a swit ch t hat h as a revision nu mb er hig her tha n the revision n umb er in the
VTP domain, it can er ase all VLA N inform ation fr om the VTP server an d VTP domain.
Beginning i n privileged E XEC mo de, foll ow these s teps to ver ify an d r es et th e VTP co nfigurati on
revision number on a switch before adding it to a VTP domain:
You can also change the VTP domain name by entering the vlan database privileged EXEC command
to enter VLAN configuration mode and by entering the vtp domain domain-name command. In this
mode, you mu st ente r the exit command to update VLAN information and return to privileged EXEC
After resetting the configuration revision number, add the switch to the VTP domain.
Note You can use the vtp mode transparent global c onfigura tio n com mand or the v tp transparent VLAN
configuration command to disable VTP on the switch, and then change its VLAN informatio n without
affecting the other switches in the VTP domain.
Command Purpose
Step 1 show vtp stat us Check t he VT P configura tion r evision numbe r.
If the number is 0, add the switch to the VTP domain.
If the number is greater than 0, follow th ese steps:
a. Write down the domain name.
b. Write down the configurat ion revision number.
c. Continu e with the next steps to reset the configurati on revision number on the
Step 2 config ure terminal Enter gl obal configura tion mode.
Step 3 vtp domain domain-name Change the domai n name fro m the orig inal on e displaye d in Step 1 to a new name.
Step 4 end The V LA N info rm ati on on t he s witc h is upd at ed an d th e co nfigurat ion revision
number is reset to 0. You retu rn to privileg ed EXEC mode.
Step 5 show vtp stat us Ve rify that the configuration revision num ber has bee n reset to 0.
Step 6 config ure terminal Enter gl obal configura tion mode.
Step 7 vtp domain domain-name Enter the original domain name on the switch.
Step 8 end The VLAN information on the switch is updated, and you return to pri vileged EXEC
Step 9 show vtp stat us (Optional) Verify that the domain name is the same as in Step 1 and that the
configurat ion revision number is 0.