Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 3 Getting S tar ted with CMS Menus and Toolbar

Front Panel View Popup Menus

These popu p menus ar e available in the Front Panel view.

Device Popup Menu

You ca n displa y al l sw itch and c lust er configu ratio n wi ndows from the me nu bar, or you ca n d isplay
commonl y used co nfiguration windows from the device popup menu (see Table 3-13). To displa y th e
device popup me nu, cl ick the swi tc h ic on fr om the c luste r tr ee o r th e front - panel ima ge i tse lf, an d

Port Popup Menu

You can display all port configuration windows from the Port menu on the menu bar, or you can display
commonly used port configura tion windows from the port popup men u (see Table 3-14). To display the
port popup menu, c lick a specific po rt imag e, and righ t-click.
1. Not available in read-only mode. For more information about the read-only and read-write access modes, see the Access Modes in CM S section
on page 3-31.
2. Some options from this menu option are not available in read-only mode.
3. Available only from a cluster-management session.
Table 3-13 Device Popup Menu
Popup Menu O pti on Task
Device Manage r1
1. Available from a cluster member switch but not from the command switch.
Launch Device Man ager for the swit ch.
Host Name2
2. Not available in read-only mode. For more information about the read-only mode, see the Access M odes in CMS section
on page 3-31.
Change the name of th e switc h.
Delete Cluster2 3 4
3. Available only from the command switch.
4. Available only from a cluster-management session.
Delete a cluster.
Remove from Clus ter2 4 Remove a member from the cluster.
Bandw idt h Gr ap hs Displa y gra ph s tha t p lo t the tot al b andw idth i n use.
Properties Display information about the de vice and port on either end of the link and
the s tat e of the li n k.
Table 3-14 Port Popup Menu
Popup Menu O pti on Task
Port Settings1Display an d configure por t settings.
VLAN1Define the V L AN mod e fo r a por t or po rts an d a dd po rt s to VLA Ns . N ot
available fo r the Catal yst 1900 and Cataly st 2820 switche s.
Port Security1 2Enable port security on a port.