Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
default conf igur ati on 7-2
disabling re cove ry of 7-5
encrypting 7-4
in clusters 6-16, 6-20
in CMS 3-30
overview 7-1
recove ry of 28-6
enable 7-3
enab le sec ret 7-4
Telnet 7-6
with usernames 7-7
VTP domain 15-8
patch panel 1-16
path cost
MSTP 12-18
STP 11-16
PBX 1-16
PC (passive command switch) 6-12, 6-23
perform ing an LRE upgrade 10-15, 10-16
persistence, LRE link 10-14
per-VLAN Spanning Tree (PVST) 11-2
per-VLAN Spanning Tree+ (PVST+) 11-8
physica l po rts 9-1
PIM-DVM RP, as snooping method 17-6
plain old te leph one se rvi ce
See POTS splitters and POTS telephones
configuring for each matched traffic class 26-21
described 26-3
number of 1-6, 26-7
types of 26-6
policing 1-6, 26-3
policy m aps f or QoS
char acte rist ics of 26-21
configuring 26-21
described 26-6
displaying 26-28
POP 1-18
Port Aggreg ation Protocol
See EtherC hanne l
See PAgP
port-base d auth entica tion
authentication server
defined 8-2
RADIUS server 8-2
client, de fined 8-2
configura tion guid elines 8-7
manual re-authe nticat ion of a client 8-11
quiet period 8-11
RADIUS server 8-10
RADIUS server parameters on the switch 8-9
switch-to-client frame-retransmission number 8-13
switch-to-client retransmission time 8-12
default configuration 8-6
described 8-1
device role s 8-2
displaying statistics 8-14
EAPO L -st ar t f ra me 8-3
EAP-re quest/id entity fram e 8-3
EAP-response/identity frame 8-3
802.1X authentication 8-8
period ic re-authe nticat ion 8-10
encapsulation 8-2
initiati on and message e xchange 8-3
method lists 8-8
authoriza tion state and dot1x port- control
command 8-4
authorized and unauthorized 8-4
resetting to default values 8-14
as proxy 8-2
RADIUS client 8-2
topologi es, supp orted 8-5