Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 22 Co n figuring RM ON
Displaying RMON Status
To disable the collection of group Ethernet statistics, use the no rmon collection stats index interface
configurati on comm a nd.

Displaying RMON Status

To display the RMON status, use one or more of the privileged EXEC co mman ds in Table 22-1:
For information about the fields in these displays, refer to the Cisco I OS Co nfiguration Fun dam ental s
Comman d Re ference for R elease 12. 1.
Step 6 show rm on sta tis tic s Display the contents of the switch statistics table.
Step 7 copy running-config startup-config (Optiona l) Save your entries in the co nfigurati on file.
Command Purpose
Table 22-1 Commands for Displa y ing RMON Stat us
Command Purpose
show rmon Displays ge neral RMO N sta tistics.
show rmon alarms Displays the RMON alarm table.
show rmo n events Displays the RMON event table.
show rmon history Displays the RMO N hist ory table .
show rmon statistics Displays the RMON statistics table.