Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 15 Configuring VTP Configuring VTP
This example shows how to use VLAN configuration mode to configure the switch as a VTP server with
the domain name eng_ group an d th e password mypassword:
Switch# vlan database
Switch(vlan)# vtp server
Switch(vlan)# vtp domain eng_group
Switch(vlan)# vtp password mypassword
Switch(vlan)# exit
APPLY completed.

Configuring a VTP Client

When a switch i s in VTP clie nt mode, you ca nnot change its VLAN configuration . The clie nt switch
receives VTP updates from a VTP server in the VTP domain and then modifies its configuration
Note If exten ded -ran ge VLA Ns ar e co nfigured on t he sw it ch, yo u c anno t ch an ge VT P mo de to c lient . You
receive an er ror m essa ge, and th e c onfiguration i s not all owed.
Caution If all switches are operating in VTP client mode, do not configure a VTP domain name. If you do, it is
impossibl e to ma ke cha nges to t he VL AN configur ation o f th at dom ai n. T he refo re, ma ke su re y ou
configure at least one switch as a VTP server.
Beginning in privileged EXEC mode, follow these steps to configure the switch as a VTP client:
Use the no vtp mode global configuration command to return the switch to VTP server mode. To return
the swi tch to a no-pa ssword st at e, u se the no vt p password global co nfigurati on comm an d. Wh en you
configure a do main nam e, it canno t be removed; you can only reassign a switch to a differen t domain .
Command Purpose
Step 1 configure terminal Enter g l obal c onfigura tion m od e.
Step 2 vtp mode client Configure the switch for VTP client mode. The default setting is VTP
Step 3 vtp domain domain-name (Opt ional) Ent er the VTP ad minist rative-domain name . The nam e can be
from 1 to 32 characters. This should be the same domain name as the VTP
All switch es operati ng in VTP server or clien t mode under th e same
administrative responsibility must be configured with the same domain
Step 4 vtp password password (Optio nal) E nte r the passwor d for the VT P do mai n.
Step 5 end Return to privileged EXEC mode.
Step 6 show vtp status Verify your entrie s in t he VTP O per ating Mode and the VTP D omain Name
fields of the displa y.