Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
This guid e does not descr ibe system me ssages you migh t encounte r or how to install your swit ch. For
more i nf o rm at ion, refer to the Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch System Message Guide for this releas e and
to the Catalyst 2950 D esktop Sw itch Ha rdware Installation G uide .
Note Th is guide do es not repe at the c oncept s and CLI pro cedure s provided in th e standar d Cisco IOS
Release 12 .1 docum entat ion. For infor mati on about th e standa rd IOS Rele ase 12. 1 command s, refe r to
the IOS doc umen t ation se t available fro m th e Cisco .c om h ome p age at Service and Support >
Technical Do cuments. On the Cisco Product Documentation home page, select Release 12.1 from the Cisco
IOS Software drop-down list.
Note This gu ide des cr i be s t he features for C at alyst 29 5 0 s wi tches. C i s c o IOS Re le a s e 12 .1(11)EA1 is n ot for
use with the Long-Reach Ethernet (LRE) switches. Do not install release 12.1(11)EA1 on Catalyst 2950
LRE switc hes, and do not install rele ase 12.1( 11)YJ on non-LRE swi tches.


This guide is organized into these chapters:
Chapter 1, Overview, lists the software features of this release and provides examples of how the
switch can be deployed in a networ k.
Chapter 2, Using the Comma nd- Line I nterface, describes how to access the command modes, use the
CLI, a nd describe s CLI messages that you might rec eive. It also descr ibes how to get help, abbreviate
commands, use no and default forms of commands, use command history and editing features, and how
to search and filter the output of show and more commands.
Chapter 3, Getting Started with CMS, describes the CMS web-based , switch mana gement interface.
For information about configuring your web browser and accessing CMS, refer to the release notes. For
field-level desc ripti ons of a ll CM S wi ndows and pr oc edure s f or usi ng t h e CM S wi ndows, refer to the
online help.
Chapter 4, Assigning the Switch IP Address and Default Gateway, describes how to create the initial
switch configuration (for example, assign the switch IP address and default gateway information) by
using a variety of aut omatic an d manual met hods.
Chapter 5, Configuring IE2100 CNS Agents, describes ho w to conf igure Cis co Intelligence En gine 2100
(IE2100) Series Cisco Networking Services (CNS) embedded agents on your switch. By using the
IE2100 Series Configuration Registrar network management appli cation, you can automate initial
conf igurations and con figuration updates by gener ating switch-specif ic conf iguration changes, sendin g them
to the switch, executing the configuration change, and logging the results.
Chapter 6, Clustering Sw itches, describ es switch c luster s and the cons ider ation s for crea ting an d
maintaining them. The online help provides the CMS procedures for configuring switch clusters.
Configuring swit ch c lust ers i s mo st e asily pe rform ed thr oug h C MS; ther ef or e, CL I proce du res are not
provided. Cl uster co mman ds are descri bed in the Catal yst 295 0 D esk top S witch Com man d Re ference.
Chapter 7, Administering the Switch, describes how to per form one- time opera tions to adm inist er
your swit ch. It de scri bes how to prevent unaut horiz ed acc ess t o y our sw it ch thr oug h th e use o f
passwords, privilege levels, the Terminal Access Controller Access Control System Plus (TACACS+),
and the Rem ote Authe nticat ion Dia l-In User Ser vice (RA DIUS) a nd the Sec ure Shell (SSH) Proto col. It
also de scri bes how to set t he syst em da te an d time , set syste m nam e and pro mp t, cre ate a lo gin ba nn er,
and how to manage the M AC ad dress an d Addre ss Resolut ion Protocol (A RP) tables.