Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 12 Configuring RSTP and MSTP
Unders tan din g RSTP
Figure 12-1 Proposal and Agreement Handshaking for Rapid Convergence

Synchronization of Port Roles

When the switch receiv es a proposal message on one of its ports and that port is selected as the new root
port, the RST P force s all other por ts to synchron ize wit h the new root inform ation.
The switch is sync hroniz ed wi th supe rior r o ot in for matio n re ceived on the root port if all other port s a re
synchroniz e d. A n in dividual p ort on the swi tch is sy nc hroni zed if
That port is in the blocking state
It is an edge por t (a port configur ed to be at the edge of the n etwork)
If a designa ted port is in the forwarding state and is not configured as an edge port, it transitions to the
blocking state when t h e RSTP forces it to synchro nize w ith new root informat ion. In general, when the
RSTP fo rces a por t to sy nc hro nize w it h root in for mat ion an d the p ort d oes no t satisf y any of t he a bove
conditi ons, its port state is set to blocking.
After ensuring all of the ports are synchronized, the switch sends an ag reeme nt message to the designated
switch correspond ing to its root port. When the switches connected by a point-to-point link are in agreement
about their por t roles, the RSTP immediately transitions the p ort states to forwarding. The s equence of events
is shown in Figure 12-2.
Switch A Switch B
Switch C
Root Designated
Root Designated
switch Proposal
Root Designated
switch Agreement
DP = designated port
RP = root port
F = forwarding