Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 14 Co n figuring VLANs
Configur ing Normal-R ange VLANs
The switch supports 64 spanning-tree instances. If a switch has more activ e VLANs than supported
spannin g-tr ee i nsta nce s, spanni ng tree c an b e enab le d on 64 V LANs an d is di sabl ed on the
remaining VLANs. If you have already used all available spanning-tree instances on a switch,
adding another VLAN anywhere in the VTP domain creates a VLAN on that switch that is not
running spanni ng -tre e. I f you h ave the defau lt al lowed list on the tru nk p orts o f tha t sw itch (w hic h
is to a llow all VLA Ns ), th e new VLAN is ca rrie d o n all t ru nk po rts. Dep end ing o n the topo l ogy of
the network, this could create a loop in the new VLAN that would not be broken, particularly if there
are several adjacent switches that all have run out of spanning-tree instances. You can prevent this
possibility by setting allowed lists on the trunk ports of switches that have used up their allocation
of spanning-tree instances.
If the number of VLANs on the switch exceeds the number of supported spanning tree instances, we
recommend that you configure the IEEE 802.1S Multiple STP (MSTP) on your switch to map
multiple VLANs to a single STP instance. For more information about MSTP, see Chapter 12,
Configuring RST P and MSTP.

VLAN Configuration Mode Options

You can configur e nor ma l-ra nge V L ANs (with VLA N ID s 1 to 10 05) by using t hese two c onfiguration
VLAN Configur ation in co nfig-vlan Mode , page 14-6
You acce ss config-v lan mode by enter ing the vlan vlan-id global configur ation comm and.
VLAN Co nfigurat ion in VLA N Co nfigurat ion M ode, page 1 4-6
You acce ss VLAN configuratio n mode by enteri ng the vlan database privileged EXEC command.

VLAN Configuration in config-vlan Mode

To acces s config -vlan mode , enter the vlan global configuration command with a VLAN ID. Enter a new
VLAN ID to cr eate a VLAN or with an e xist ing VLAN ID to modif y the V LAN. You can u se the defa ult
VLAN configuration (Table 14-2) or enter multiple commands to configure the VLAN. For more
inform ation a bout co mmands available i n this mode , refer t o the vlan globa l co nfigurat ion com mand
descri ption in th e command referen ce for thi s releas e. When you have finished the con figuration, yo u
must exit config-vla n mode for t he configuration to take effect. To displa y the VLAN co nfiguration,
enter the show vlan privileged EXEC command.
You must use this config-v lan mode whe n creat ing extended- rang e VLANs (VL AN IDs gr eater tha n
1005). Se e the Co nfiguring E xtende d-Ra nge V L ANs sect ion on page 14-12.

VLAN Configuration in VLAN Configuration Mode

To acc ess VL AN co nfigurati on mode , en ter th e vla n database privileged EXEC command. Then enter
the vlan command with a new VLAN ID to create a VLAN or with an existing VLAN ID to modify the
VLAN. Yo u ca n use the d efault VLAN con figurat ion (Table 14-2) or enter multiple commands to
configure the VLAN. For more information about keywords available in this mode, refer to the vlan
VLAN configuration command description in the command reference for this release. When you have
finished the co nfiguration, you mu st enter apply or exit for th e configurat ion to take effect. When you
enter the exit command, it applies all commands and updates the VLAN database. VTP messages are
sent to othe r switc hes in the VT P do mai n, and the pr ivileged EX EC mode p rom pt ap pea rs .