Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Preface Obtaining Technical Assistance is the foundation of a suite of interactive, networked services that provides immediate, open
access to Cisco information, network ing soluti ons, serv i ces, pr ogr ams, a nd re source s at any time , fr om
anywhere in the wor ld. m is a high ly integrat ed Inter net appli cation a nd a powerful, ea sy-to-u se tool th at provide s a
broad r an ge of f eat ures an d s ervi ces to hel p you w ith th ese t asks:
Streaml ine business processes and i mprove productivity
Resolve technical issues with online support
Download and t e st so ft ware pa ck ag es
Order Cisco l ea rning m ateria ls and merc handi se
Register for online skill assessment, training, and certification programs
If you want to obtain customized information and service, you can self-register on T o access , go to this URL :

Technical Assistance Center

The Cis co Technical A ssistance Cen ter (TA C) is av ailab le to all c ustomers who need technica l assistan ce
with a Cisco product, technology, or solution. Two levels of support are available: the Cisco TAC
Web Site an d t h e Ci sco TAC Esca l ati o n C en te r.
Cisco TAC inquirie s are categoriz ed accordi ng to the urgency of the issue :
Priority level 4 (P4)You need information or assistance concerning Cisco product capabilities,
product in stallation , or basic pro duct configurat ion.
Priority level 3 (P3)Your ne twork perform ance is degra ded. Netwo rk functio nality i s noticeab ly
impaired, but most business operations continue.
Priority level 2 (P2)Your pro ductio n network is severely degraded , affecting signific ant aspect s
of business ope rat ions. No workar oun d is available.
Priority le v el 1 (P1)Your production network is down, and a critical impact to business operations
will occur if se rv ice is n ot res to red qui ckl y. No worka ro und is availabl e.
The Cisc o TAC resource that you choose is ba sed on the pri ority of th e proble m and the co nditions of
servic e co ntra c ts , wh en a ppl ic ab le .

Cisco TAC Website

Yo u can use the Cis co TAC Web Site to resol ve P3 and P4 issues yourse lf, saving both cost an d time.
The site provides around-the-clock access to online tools, knowledge bases, and software. To access the
Cisco TAC Web Site, go to th is U RL:
All customers, partners, and resellers who have a valid Cisco service contract have complete access to
the technical support resources on the Cisco TAC Web Site. The Cisco TAC Web Site requires a l ogi n ID a nd pa ssword. If yo u have a valid s ervice cont ract but do no t have a lo gin ID o r
password, go to th is URL to register :