Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
disabling 18-3
browser conf i gurat ion 3-1, 6-1
buttons, CMS 3-30


cables , monit oring for uni direct ional links 19-1
Cancel but ton 3-30
cand id ate s wi tc h
adding 6-20
automatic discovery 6-5
defined 6-4
HC 6-23
passwords 6-20
requirements 6-4
standby gr oup 6-22
See also comm and swit ch, clust er standby grou p, and
member sw itch
cautions xxviii
CC (comma nd switch) 6-23
and truste d bounda ry 26-14
automatic discovery in switch clusters 6-5
configuring 20-2
default conf igur ati on 20-2
described 20-1
disabling for rout ing devi ce 20-3, 20-4
enabling and disabling
on an interface 20-4
on a switch 20-3
monitoring 20-5
overview 20-1
transmission timer and holdtime, setting 20-2
updates 20-2
CGMP, joining multicast group 17-2
chan ge no t ifi cat ion, CMS 3-32
Cisco 575- LRE CP E 1-2
Cisco Access Analog Tru nk Gateway 1-14
Cisco CallManager software 1-13, 1-14
Cisco Disc overy Pr otocol
Cisco Int ellige nce Engi ne 2100 Seri es C onf igura tion
See IE210 0
Cisco IP Ph one s 1-13
Cisco LRE 48 POTS Splitter (PS-1M-LRE-48) 1-2, 1-16
Cisco Networking Services
See I E2100
Cisco SoftPhone sof tware 1-13
CiscoWorks 200 0 1-7, 24-4
class maps for QoS
configuring 26-20
described 26-6
displaying 26-28
class of service
See CoS
clearing interfaces 9-19
abbrevi ating co mman ds 2-5
comman d modes 2-1
described 1-7
editing features
enabling and disabling 2-7
keystroke editing 2-8
wrapped l ines 2-9
error me ssages 2-5
getting help 2-3
changing the buffer size 2-6
described 2-6
disabling 2-7
recall ing comm ands 2-6
managing c luster s 6-25
no and defaul t forms of com mands 2-5
client mode, VTP 15-3
See system clock
Cluster Ma nagement Suite 1-7