Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 10 Configuring LRE
Configuring LRE Ports

Assigning a Sequence to a Specific LRE Port

You can set sequenc es on a per-port basis. You can assign t he same seq uence or di ffer ent seque nces to
the LRE ports on the switch. If you assign a sequence on a port basis, it overrides any previously or
subseq uen tly se t p rofiles or gl obal seque nc e.
The switch re sets the port s with the upda ted sequence settings when c hanged.
Beginning in privileged EXEC mode, follow these steps to assign a sequence to a specific LRE port:
Use the show controllers lre status sequence details privileged EXEC co mm an d to disp lay t he L RE
link statistics a nd sequen ce inform ation on the L RE ports. F or in formation a bout these c ommands, re fer
to the s witc h co mmand refer ence .

Using Rate Selection to Automatically Assign Profiles

An LRE network requires a profile to be configured for each LRE port that is connected to a CPE device
(the d efau lt is L RE- 10) . Yo u can us e th e ra te s el ect ion fe a ture to au to mat ica lly c hoose a pro file fr om a
set of profiles that th e swi t ch p ort u ses to esta bli sh an L RE link (a lin k betw een an L RE switc h po rt and
an attached CPE device).
Rate selec tion is enabled by default, but you must cho ose a sequence for rate selecti on to start (in other
words, there is no default sequence defined). When rate selection is running, the switch chooses the
profile for the LRE interface from a sequence, or predefined series of profiles, that are configured for
that in terfa ce. The rate- selectio n algo rithm be gins with the f irst pro fil e in th e seque nce and su ccessiv ely
tries t he n ext pro files ( in d esce nding or de r) un t il a l ink is e stabl ishe d wi th t he C P E device.
When enabled, the LRE switch executes rate selection in these scenarios:
When the switch is booted
When you enable the rate selection feature
When you connect a new CPE device to the switch
When a li nk i s lost for 2 5 sec ond s bef ore being r esto red
When a configur ed sequen ce is mo dified
Command Purpose
Step 1 configure terminal Enter gl obal configura tion mode.
Step 2 interface LRE-interface Enter interface configuration mode, and enter the number of the LRE port
to be configure d.
Step 3 sequence sequence_name Enter the port sequence name (select from the list in Table 10-2).
Step 4 end Return to privileged EXEC mode.
Step 5 show controllers lre status sequence Verify the change.