Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 10 Configuring LRE
Configuring LRE Ports
Note Whe n the defau lt speed is set to 10 or 100 Mbps with half dupl ex, the values set are the same. If the
remote values ar e 10 Mbps wi th full dupl ex, the Cisco 575 LRE CPE Ethe rne t port is profile
independe nt. All LRE profiles ar e set to be 10 Mbps w ith half dup lex except for LRE- 10 (the defaul t),
which is set to 10 Mpbs with full duplex. For a setting of 100 Mbps with full duplex, the value is set to
100 Mbp s wit h h alf du plex.
The speeds on the LRE links and CPE Ethernet links do not need to match. However, to prevent the
possible loss of data when the LRE link is slower than the CPE Ethernet link, make sure that the CPE
Ether net port is set to half-duplex mode. Use duplex autonegotiation only i f the remote device supports
802.1 X fu ll- duplex flow contr ol. Th e PC use r s hould no tice no sign i ficant differe nce in p er forma nce
betwee n 100-Mbps half duplex and 100-Mbps full duplex. Use the cpe duplex and cpe speed interface
configurati on comma nds, respec tively, to change the duplex and speed setti ngs on the Cisco 575 LRE
CPE Ethernet port.

Considerations for Connected Cisco 585 LRE CPEs

You ca n c onfigure the Cisco 585 LR E C P E Et herne t po rt spee d and dup lexing fro m th e c omma nd lin e,
depending on the capability of the remote Ethernet device. Autonegotiation for CPE port speed and
duplex mode is suppo rted.
The default speed for the CPE Ethernet ports is auto. The default duplex mode is half duplex at 100 Mbps
with back pressure.
You can en able or di sable the CPE Ethernet ports on a per-port basis.
The loopback int erface configurat ion comm and is no t supported on t he LRE port s. Exter nal loopba ck
on the L R E ports is also not supported. Connecting a CPE E thernet port to an other Ethernet por t on the
same CPE device can create a loop. If this happens, the switch stops sending to the CPE device and
blocks Ethe rnet traffic coming from the CPE device.

Assigning a Global Profile to All LRE Ports

Global profiles are set on a swit ch-wide basis.
Port sequenc es, globa l sequences , and port pr ofiles have priorit y over globa l profiles (see the
Precedence section on page 10-11 for a full di scussi on of r ate sel ect ion pr eced en ce). I f you a ssign a
global profile to the switch, it cannot over -ride any previously or subsequently set sequence port profile.
(For furthe r info rm ati on on se que nce and pr ofile pre c enden ce , se e Gui delin es for Usin g LRE Profiles,
page 1 0-7 .)
Changes to the global profile settings are immediately put in effect, and the global mode automatically
become s the ac tive mode.
Beginning i n privileged E X EC mo de , follow these s teps to a ssign a g lo bal profile to th e L RE p ort s:
Command Purpose
Step 1 configure terminal Enter gl obal c on figuratio n mod e.
Step 2 lre profile profile_name Enter the global profile name. Select from the list in Table 10-1.
Step 3 end Retur n to pr ivileged EXE C m ode .
Step 4 show controllers lre profile details Verify the change.