Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Appendix B Working with the IOS File System , Configura tion Files, an d Software Ima g es
Working w ith Configuration Files
NVRAM. I f y ou ar e acc essing th e switc h t hro ugh a Telnet ses s ion and y ou have a valid use rna me,
this u ser name is use d, and you do n ot n eed to set the FTP userna me. In clud e the u ser name in t he
copy command if you want to spec ify a usernam e for only t hat copy oper ation .
When you upload a configuration file to the FTP server , it must be properly configured to accept the
write reque st from the use r on the switch.
For more inform ation , refer to the docum entati on for your FTP server.

Downloading a Configuration File By Using FTP

Beginning in privileged EXEC mode, follow these steps to download a configuration file by using FTP:
This exam ple shows how to copy a c onfigurati on file named host1-confg from the netadmin1 directory
on the remo te ser ver wi th a n I P addr e ss of 172.1 6. 101 .10 1 and t o lo ad an d run those c om mands on the
Switch# copy ftp://netadmin1:mypass@ system:running-config
Configure using host1-confg from [confirm]
Connected to
Loading 1112 byte file host1-confg:![OK]
%SYS-5-CONFIG: Configured from host1-config by ftp from
This exam ple sh ows how to specify a rem ote us er name of netadmin1. The soft ware co pies the
configurat ion file host2-confg from the netadmin1 dir ect ory o n t h e re mo te s er ver wi th a n IP ad dre ss
of 172.16. 101. 101 t o t he sw itch sta rtup configura tion.
Switch# configure terminal
Switch(config)# ip ftp username netadmin1
Switch(config)# ip ftp password mypass
Switch(config)# end
Command Purpose
Step 1 Verify that the FTP server is properly configured by referring
to t he Preparing to Download or Upload a Configuration
File By Using FTP section on page B -13.
Step 2 Log into the switch through the console port or a Telnet
Step 3 configure terminal Enter glob al configurat ion mode on the switch.
This step is required only if you override the default remote
username or pa ssword (see Steps 4, 5, and 6).
Step 4 ip ftp username username (Optiona l) Change th e default re mote user name.
Step 5 ip ftp password password (Optional) Change the default password.
Step 6 end Return to privileged EXEC mode.
Step 7 copy
/filename] system:running-config
/filename] nvram:startup-config
Using FTP, copy the configuration file from a network server
to the r unn ing co nfigurati on or t o the start up configurat ion