Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 8 Configuring 802.1X Port-Based Authentication
Configuring 802. 1X Authe n tication

Changing the Switch-to-Client Retransmission Time

The client responds to the EAP-request/identity frame from the switch with an EAP-response/identity
frame. If the swi tch does not receive this respons e, it wait s a set perio d of time (k nown as the
retransmission time) and then resends the frame.
Note You sh ould ch ange the de fault value of th is co mm an d onl y to a dju st for un usua l ci rcu msta nces suc h as
unrelia ble li nks or spe ci fic behavioral p roble ms wi th c erta in c lie nts an d aut h entic ati on se rvers .
Beginning in privileged EXEC mode, follow these steps to change the amount of time that the switch
waits for client notification:
To return to the default retransmission time, use the no dot1x timeout tx-period glo bal configurat ion
This example shows how to set 60 as the number of seconds that the switch waits for a response to an
EAP-re que st/ iden tity fr am e fr om the c lien t befo re rese ndin g t he re quest :
Switch(config)# dot1x timeout tx-period 60
Command Purpose
Step 1 configure terminal Enter glob al co nfiguration mo de.
Step 2 dot1x timeout tx-period seconds Set the number of seconds that the switch waits for a response to an
EAP-request/identity frame from the client before resending the request.
The range is 1 to 65535 sec onds; the defa ult is 30.
Step 3 end Return to privileged EXEC mode.
Step 4 show dot1x Verify your entries.
Step 5 copy running-config startup-config (Optional) Save your entries in the configuration file.